Kedco to float on London market todayIRISH ENERGY group Kedco is set to float on the London Stock Exchange today in a move valuing it at almost €35 million.Mon Oct 20 2008 - 01:00
McInerney expects to complete fewer housesBUILDER McINERNEY Holdings expects that the number of houses it completes in Ireland and Britain this year will be less than …Sat Oct 18 2008 - 01:00
$200m to cover potential Lehman liabilitiesState Street: ONE OF the Republic's biggest financial services employers has set aside $200 million to cover potential liabilities…Thu Oct 16 2008 - 01:00
12.5% rate will not be touched - LenihanCOMPANY PROFITS: FINANCE MINISTER Brian Lenihan stressed in his Budget speech yesterday that the Republic's 12Wed Oct 15 2008 - 01:00
AIB up almost 12.5% to close the session at €7.50Iseq: 3,943.66 (120.72) THE BANKS continued their rally on the Dublin market yesterday, aided by a better than expected performance…Sat Oct 04 2008 - 01:00
Financials lead the way bringing Iseq up by 2.5%Financials once again led the way up on the Dublin market today with the Iseq index of Irish shares up close to 2Fri Oct 03 2008 - 01:00
Irish banks have given €86bn to developers in RepublicPROPERTY LOANS: BY THE end of June official figures showed that Irish banks had loaned €86Fri Oct 03 2008 - 01:00
Weak US figures clip real recovery of financialsMARKET REPORT: THE DUBLIN market continued its recovery yesterday as financial stocks earned more support from investorsThu Oct 02 2008 - 01:00
Kingspan raises €330m in loans from group of banks to fund future expansionBUILDING MATERIALS and insulation specialist Kingspan has raised €330 million in loans from a group of banks to fund future expansion…Thu Oct 02 2008 - 01:00
Debts of €5.7m put developer Hassett into liquidationTHE BUSINESS OF property developer and builder Eamonn Hassett has gone into liquidation with a €4 million shortfall on the €5…Thu Oct 02 2008 - 01:00
Betting firm gains on markets' crisisTHE VOLATILE stock markets have boosted business at Irish-based spread-betting firm Worldspreads over the last six months, the…Wed Oct 01 2008 - 01:00
Petroneft says it is on course in SiberiaPETRONEFT, THE Irish explorer with interests in western Siberia, says it is on schedule to begin production from its wells in…Wed Oct 01 2008 - 01:00
Examiner appointed to Futura airlineGROUNDED AIRLINE Futura Gael received a stay of execution yesterday when the High Court appointed an interim examiner to the …Wed Sept 24 2008 - 01:00
B of I abandons plans to find backer for BIAMBANK OF Ireland has abandoned plans to find a backer for its asset management arm, and intends to cut 30 staff from the division…Wed Sept 24 2008 - 01:00
Punch's parent company up for saleTHE OWNER of Irish cleaning products manufacturer Punch Industries is for sale with a €700 million price tag.Wed Sept 24 2008 - 01:00
Liquidity of banks may be boostedTHE DEPARTMENT of Finance is understood to be considering budget measures that would boost Irish banks' cash in a bid to ease…Sat Sept 20 2008 - 01:00
Consortium wins Fermanagh hospital dealA CONSORTIUM including builder P Elliott and AIB has won a €380 million-plus contract to build a new hospital in Enniskillen, …Sat Sept 20 2008 - 01:00
Talks could lead to sale of EircomTALKS ARE set to get under way on a management change at Eircom's owner that sources believe could lead to the telecom company…Sat Sept 20 2008 - 01:00
Supply chain firm PCH raises €21mMANUFACTURING AND supply chain group PCH has raised €21 million from three leading Silicon Valley venture capitalists.Thu Sept 18 2008 - 01:00
Profits at Origin increase to €71mPROFITS AT the agribusiness group behind Roma foods and Odlums flour came close to €71 million in its last financial year, results…Thu Sept 18 2008 - 01:00
Plan to open power grid to green generators could cost €400mTHE STATE energy regulator’s plans to open up the national grid to “green” electricity generators could cost consumers €400 million…Wed Sept 17 2008 - 01:00
Banks hit as Dublin market plunges 4.7%Financial stocks tumbled again on the Dublin market today, dragging the Iseq index of Irish shares down by almost 5 per cent …Wed Sept 17 2008 - 01:00
Fallout from Lehman collapse hits Dublin marketDUBLIN REPORT: Iseq: 4,205.67 (-139Tue Sept 16 2008 - 01:00
Kentz looking at possible acquisition in USIRISH-MALAYSIAN engineering group Kentz is running the rule over a possible acquisition in the US.Tue Sept 16 2008 - 01:00
Irish stocks fall on Lehman collapseTrade on the Irish stock exchange mirrored what was happening on world markets today, with financials leading an early plunge…Mon Sept 15 2008 - 01:00
Offshore wind firms want new State regulationsENERGY COMPANIES want the Government to change the way the industry is regulated in the Republic to allow more offshore wind-…Fri Sept 12 2008 - 01:00
Building industry worker numbers fell by 16% in JulyTHE NUMBER of building workers in the Republic fell by 16 per cent in July, according to the latest figures.Fri Sept 12 2008 - 01:00
Gardner buys into MainstreamFORMER MANCHESTER United chairman Sir Roy Gardner has taken a stake in Mainstream Renewable Power, the latest venture fronted…Fri Sept 12 2008 - 01:00
Kerrygold returns suffer as global slowdown bitesTHE GLOBAL slowdown has left earnings at the owner of the Kerrygold butter brand on a slippery slope.Fri Sept 12 2008 - 01:00
Businesses face hike of up to 75% in electricity billsBUSINESSES AND industries could face increases of up to 75 per cent in electricity bills next year if power suppliers pass on…Thu Sept 11 2008 - 01:00
Rejection of rival offer boosts Murtagh Andor bidTHE MURTAGH family’s €26 million bid for hi-tech group Andor was boosted yesterday when its board withdrew support for a competing…Thu Sept 11 2008 - 01:00
Unions at ESB lodge €60m pay claim for 18 month dealUNIONS REPRESENTING the ESB's 7,800 workers formally lodged a €60 million pay claim with the State electricity company's management…Wed Sept 10 2008 - 01:00
€2m interest charge leaves O'Malley Homes with a lossA €2 MILLION interest charge left O'Malley Homes, the builder engaged in a planning row over a site on Dublin's upmarket Shrewsbury…Mon Sept 08 2008 - 01:00
Boylesports to expand internet betting into SpainBOOKMAKER BOYLESPORTS is to spend €3 million on expanding its internet business into Spain and a number of other European countries…Fri Sept 05 2008 - 01:00
Czech base of CF hits annual sales of €20mSALES AT Galway-based CF Manufacturing's Czech operation have hit €20 million a year, according to the company.Fri Sept 05 2008 - 01:00
Industry concerns grow over NDP cutbacksTHE SLOWING economy and shrinking public purse could halt or delay key projects like the €5 billion Dublin metro rail network…Fri Sept 05 2008 - 01:00
Builders begin work on just 510 homes in AugustBUILDERS BEGAN work on just 510 new homes in the Republic last month - 30 per cent of the total begun in August 2007.Thu Sept 04 2008 - 01:00
Building industry will lobby State to aid first-time buyersCONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY REACTION: BUILDERS WILL ask the State to aid first-time house buyers by taking a share in their new homes…Thu Sept 04 2008 - 01:00
Veris forecasts earnings growth of up to 4%QUOTED SERVICES group Veris expects earnings growth to be around 3 per cent to 4 per cent this year as the smallest of its three…Wed Sept 03 2008 - 01:00
Newcourt cuts value of clinicTHE FALLING property market has forced services group Newcourt to cut €2 million off the value of the clinic it bought last year…Wed Sept 03 2008 - 01:00
Earlier budget would benefit taxpayers, institute arguesAN EARLIER budget would benefit taxpayers, the Irish Taxation Institute (ITI) has told a Government commission.Tue Sept 02 2008 - 01:00
Smurfit the star as banks weaken on quiet tradingDUBLIN REPORT: A BANK holiday in the US meant markets were comparatively quiet yesterday, while weaker financials and a fall…Tue Sept 02 2008 - 01:00
Tedcastlesrecruits Central Bank figureECONOMIST AND Central Bank director, Alan Gray, is joining the board of fuel importer and retailer, Tedcastles.Mon Sept 01 2008 - 01:00
European markets drift down on quiet dayThe Iseq Index of Irish shares was down 0.47 per cent ahead of the close after what dealers described as a quiet day.Mon Sept 01 2008 - 01:00
Big jump in profits for firm that rescued car parts plantC&F, THE GROUP that engineered the recent rescue of manufacturer Iralco, had profits of almost €4 million last year, latest…Mon Sept 01 2008 - 01:00
Euro's strength against sterling boosts REO's property portfolioTHE EURO'S strength against sterling boosted the value of properties owned by the Treasury Holdings-backed vehicle, Real Estate…Sat Aug 30 2008 - 01:00