Then and now versions of Ben Dunne storyBusiness Opinion: Whichever way you look at it Ben Dunne has been involved in telling an enormous whopper.Mon Jul 04 2005 - 01:00
Páircéir denies being put under pressure on Dunnes' taxWithin a month of becoming taoiseach in 1987, Charles Haughey asked the chairman of the Revenue Commissioners to meet Ben Dunne…Sat Jul 02 2005 - 01:00
Dunne again denies hiding true motive for paymentMoriarty tribunal: Former supermarket magnate Ben Dunne has again denied that he sought to hide his true motive for giving £…Fri Jul 01 2005 - 01:00
Páircéir tells why he did not disclose Dunne meetingsMoriarty tribunal: Former chairman of the Revenue Commissioners Séamus Páircéir has told the tribunal why he did not tell the…Fri Jul 01 2005 - 01:00
Supermarket boss a 'broken man' in 1993Moriarty tribunal: The former supermarket boss Ben Dunne has said he was mad, broken and suicidal in 1993.Thu Jun 30 2005 - 01:00
Dunne says he did not know cheque was for HaugheyMoriarty tribunal: Ben Dunne said he still felt that the first major payment to Charles Haughey came late in 1987 and not early…Thu Jun 30 2005 - 01:00
Dunne denies trying to influence HaugheyMoriarty tribunal: The former head of the Dunnes Stores group said he did not give £1Thu Jun 30 2005 - 01:00
Adviser to Dunne knew of Haughey paymentsMoriarty tribunal: A former adviser to Ben Dunne said he was aware payments were being made to Charles Haughey in 1987 while…Wed Jun 29 2005 - 01:00
Offer on tax bill 'no use to Dunne family'An offer from Revenue chairman Séamus Páircéir that a £38Wed Jun 29 2005 - 01:00
CRH denies knowledge of any bribery paymentCRH said yesterday it has no knowledge of any payment such as the $1 million (€827,000) "bribe" alleged by a Polish lobbyist …Tue Jun 28 2005 - 01:00
An Irishman's DiaryFor the last few years of his life, home for the great reggae singer/songwriter Bob Marley was 56 Hope Road, in Kingston, Jamaica…Mon Jun 27 2005 - 01:00
Dunnes paid #1bn tax over 10-year periodThe Dunnes Stores group made tax payments approaching £1 billion in the 10-year period up to 1996, the tribunal heard.Fri Jun 24 2005 - 01:00
Dunne trust alleged special tax dealIncome tax due from the Dunne family trust went unpaid for a number of years because the trust believed it had a special deal…Fri Jun 24 2005 - 01:00
Former Revenue chief tells of Dunne meetingThe former chairman of the Revenue Commissioners, Philip Curran, said he had forgotten by the time of the McCracken (Dunnes Payments…Thu Jun 23 2005 - 01:00
Tax bill for Dunnes trust should have been appealed, inquiry toldThe Revenue Commissioners should have appealed a tax bill against the Dunnes family trust to the High Court, given the "staggering…Thu Jun 23 2005 - 01:00
Dunne trustees 'were set to go to Supreme Court over tax bill'A former senior Revenue official thought a £38Wed Jun 22 2005 - 01:00
Migrants to take 66% of new jobsMigrants will take up two-thirds of all new jobs if employment continues to be created at the current rate by the Irish economy…Mon Jun 20 2005 - 01:00
Dublin is world's 13th dearest city - surveyDublin has moved up one place to become the 13th most expensive city in the world, according to the annual Mercer Worldwide Cost…Mon Jun 20 2005 - 01:00
Revenue counsel was 'pessimistic' on Dunne appealMoriarty tribunal: The Revenue was told in 1988 by its senior counsel he was "quite pessimistic" about winning an appeal against…Sat Jun 18 2005 - 01:00
Trustees believed they had a special tax-free dividend deal with RevenueIncome tax that may have been due from the Dunnes family trust was not sought by the Revenue Commissioners until after the 1997…Fri Jun 17 2005 - 01:00
Allegations cloud firm's community endeavoursA telecoms adviser to the administration in Antigua who was supportive of a Digicel bid for a licence there, and who has been…Fri Jun 17 2005 - 01:00
Ben Dunne snr set up trust to test family, tribunal toldThe founder of Dunnes Stores, the late Bernard Dunne, wanted the group to continue to exist for 50 years after his death, the…Fri Jun 17 2005 - 01:00
Tax official 'would not have waived interest'A former senior public servant said he would not have been disposed towards waiving interest on tax due from Dunnes Stores, as…Thu Jun 16 2005 - 01:00
Former Revenue chief gave tax advice to DunneThe former chairman of the Revenue Commissioners, Séamus Paircéir, became a tax consultant to Ben Dunne after leaving office …Wed Jun 15 2005 - 01:00
Haughey too ill to testify, say his lawyersFormer taoiseach Charles Haughey is "gravely ill" and not in a position to give instructions to his legal team or to give evidence…Wed Jun 15 2005 - 01:00
Family concerned about tax billThe Dunne family was concerned in the 1980s that the accumulated value of their family trust could lead to a tax bill equal to…Wed Jun 15 2005 - 01:00
Moriarty to inquire into Dunne meetingThe Moriarty tribunal is to hold public hearings into contacts between the former chairman of the Revenue Commissioners, Séamus…Sat Jun 11 2005 - 01:00
EU services proposals need changes - McCreevyThe services directive will never be accepted in its proposed form, the EU commissioner for the internal market and services, …Sat May 28 2005 - 01:00
State could gain on aviation dealThe Republic has more to gain than virtually any other country from an EU/US free trade area in aviation, economist Seán Barrett…Sat May 28 2005 - 01:00
Survey finds retaining key staff a high priorityPossessing a good corporate reputation ranks higher as a strategy for retaining staff than competitive pay packages, a survey…Fri May 27 2005 - 01:00
Car dealer arrested in inquiry into price fixingA Dublin car dealer has been arrested and questioned in a Garda station in the first such move by the Competition Authority.Wed May 25 2005 - 01:00
Galway loses 150 jobs to ChinaA US multinational is to close a plant in Co Galway with the loss of 150 jobsTue May 24 2005 - 01:00
'Landmark' courts building to cost €100mA capital cost of approximately €100 million is likely for a landmark courts building in Dublin which the Courts Service wants…Sat May 21 2005 - 01:00
Insider dealing battle still has steam left after 73 daysThe mammoth insider dealing battle between Fyffes plc and DCC plc has now sat for about three times the length it was supposed…Fri May 20 2005 - 01:00
Aid for software firms mootedProposals to aid indigenous software companies achieve the scale needed to compete internationally were released yesterday.Fri May 20 2005 - 01:00
Ombudsman calls for complianceThe new Financial Services Ombudsman told the Irish Insurance Federation yesterday that he will "demand co-operation and compliance…Tue May 17 2005 - 01:00
Redstone buys Xpert Group for €37.2mA technology company set up over 20 years ago in Ireland has been sold for £25.5 million (€37.24 million).Mon Apr 04 2005 - 01:00
Firms 'miss out' on EU opportunitiesIrish companies are missing out on opportunities for business in the EU accession states, the Dublin office of the European Information…Mon Apr 04 2005 - 01:00
Builder quits conference centre contestThe Michael McNamara group has withdrawn from the competition to build the National Conference Centre, leaving just two contenders…Sat Mar 19 2005 - 00:00
Competition body investigates US group over possible cartel activityThe Competition Authority has conducted an investigation into US companies that may operate cartels outside the US and remains…Sat Mar 19 2005 - 00:00
Irish market weak for Pernod RicardSales of Jameson whiskey rose 10 per cent worldwide during 2004, Pernod Ricard revealed yesterdayFri Mar 18 2005 - 00:00
Competition Authority clears Spin FM takeoverThe Competition Authority has cleared the takeover of Dublin youth radio station Spin FM by Denis O'Brien.Fri Mar 11 2005 - 00:00
Openess urged in insuranceRecommendations to increase transparency in the insurance sector are expected to form a key part of a report to be issued next…Sat Mar 05 2005 - 00:00
Fyffes witnesses finish evidenceAnalysis: Ten weeks after the hearing opened, the last witness for the plaintiffs finished giving evidence in the Fyffes/DCC…Wed Mar 02 2005 - 00:00
Sinn Fein in red for first time in yearsSinn Féin finances went into the red in 2004 for the first time in a number of years, finance director Dessie Mackin has said…Mon Feb 28 2005 - 00:00
Bulgaria seeks to resolve Flynn visit controversyThe Minister for the Interior in Bulgaria has said he wants to resolve a controversy surrounding the visit to his country by …Sat Feb 26 2005 - 00:00
Former bank chairman had plans for three firmsThe former chairman of Bank of Scotland (Ireland), Mr Phil Flynn, has said he travelled to Bulgaria to set up financial services…Sat Feb 26 2005 - 00:00
DCC case raises questions for stock exchangeBusiness Opinion: The revelations concerning the Irish Stock Exchange (ISE) and DCC, which emerged from the Supreme Court some…Mon Feb 21 2005 - 00:00
Company linked to Ashmore gets trade licencePilot View Capital Ltd, a company associated with the former Goodbody trader Mr Bruce Ashmore, has been granted authorisation…Sat Feb 19 2005 - 00:00
Former trader takes action against firmA former trader with Goodbody Stockbrokers is taking legal action against his former employer arising out of a reference he received…Fri Feb 18 2005 - 00:00