47% fail to put money aside, says surveyIrish people are saving at the lowest level in recent years and nearly 50 per cent of people say they cannot afford to put any…Mon Dec 03 2012 - 00:00
Can a cheap Christmas dinner pass the taste test?It is a bitterly cold Tuesday afternoon and Pricewatch is regretting its good ideaMon Dec 03 2012 - 00:00
It took a while to get the message but now the world is addicted to textWhen Neil Papworth sent hs pal a txt wishn him a mrry xmas bk n 92 no1 knw it wd av such n mpct on hw ppl wd comnC8 n d fucha…Mon Dec 03 2012 - 00:00
In praise of the 'Late Late Toy Show'Never mind the sleigh bells, Santa or even the first few notes of Fairytale of New York, there is nothing that says it is Christmas…Sat Dec 01 2012 - 00:00
Shoppers urged to keep it localIrish consumers are being asked to put their money where their mouths are in the run-up to Christmas by supporting local artisan…Sat Dec 01 2012 - 00:00
Bargain artForty of Ireland’s best-known artists were challenged to come up with installations from the tackiest of tat bought in the discount…Sat Dec 01 2012 - 00:00
Dangers of demon drink outlinedThe failure of successive governments to develop a coherent policy to deal with the problem of excessive alcohol consumption …Sat Dec 01 2012 - 00:00
Large drop in people with health insuranceMore that 60,000 people have cancelled their health insurance policies over the last 12 months, new figures from the Health Insurance…Sat Dec 01 2012 - 00:00
House prices fall for first time in four monthsHopes of a recovery in the property sector received a setback yesterday after the latest official figures showed house prices…Tue Nov 27 2012 - 00:00
Gang 'skimming' credit cards at Dart ticket machinesA criminal gang has been targeting commuters in Dublin in the run-up to Christmas by installing sophisticated skimming devices…Tue Nov 27 2012 - 00:00
Perfect storm has not abated yetANALYSIS: Anyone staring into the runes of the latest CSO property price data hoping to find proof that the market has bottomed…Tue Nov 27 2012 - 00:00
Your reader queries answeredClamping down on a pensioner's finances Clampers are not liked at the best of times but we came across a story last week that…Mon Nov 26 2012 - 00:00
The real value of 'foreign' retailersMany readers have been quick to criticise the role played by international multiples, but their value to the Irish economy is…Mon Nov 26 2012 - 00:00
Christmas cost countdownEvery year, in early November, there are a plethora of studies and surveys published that tell us how much money we’re going …Mon Nov 19 2012 - 00:00
Boots are made for walking when it comes to priceYOUR CONSUMER QUERIES ANSWERED: A reader from Cork went to a Boots outlet in the Wilton Shopping Centre last week with a prescription…Mon Nov 19 2012 - 00:00
City council likely to bid for Dartmouth SquareDublin City Council is planning to bid for Ranelagh’s Dartmouth Square which will go under the hammer at an Allsop/Space auction…Thu Nov 15 2012 - 00:00
Government denies Ryanair claimThe Government has denied claims by Ryanair that an offer the airline made which could save the State millions of euro on flights…Wed Nov 14 2012 - 00:00
Festive season spend to be downConsumer spending for Christmas is likely to be down slightly on last year but Irish adults will still spend over €500 before…Mon Nov 12 2012 - 00:00
Left feeling down at heel over some shoddy shoesYOUR CONSUMER QUERIES: Ciaran Geraghty bought a pair of shoes from O’Neill’s on Dublin’s Talbot Street in July for €40. He says…Mon Nov 12 2012 - 00:00
Fifteen savvy tips to cut supermarket spendingMillions of euro are wasted each year by consumers throwing up to a third of their groceries in the binMon Nov 12 2012 - 00:00
TV3 may ditch 'psychic' programmeTV3 has said it will take a controversial late-night programme which features self-styled psychics off the air unless the makers…Sat Nov 10 2012 - 00:00
TV3's psychics breach code againA claim from TV3 that pregnancy is not “strictly considered to be a health issue” has been dismissed by the Broadcasting Authority…Fri Nov 09 2012 - 00:00
Years of austerity fail to suppress Christmas spiritNearly five years of austerity do not appear to have dampened Irish consumer enthusiasm for Christmas.Thu Nov 08 2012 - 00:00
NY runners get special Dublin marathonIrish runners who missed out on the New York City marathon yesterday after it was cancelled will be given the chance to run the…Mon Nov 05 2012 - 00:00
Do modern cold and cough remedies hack it?A British investigation has found big-brand cough bottles are almost useless – so are Irish pharmacists still happy…Mon Nov 05 2012 - 00:00
TV3 failed to notify viewers of product placementTV3 has admitted that it failed to properly notify viewers of a motoring show that car makers had been asked to pay up to €5,…Mon Nov 05 2012 - 00:00
Checkout nation: our new habitsAFTER BEN DUNNE opened Ireland’s first out-of-town supermarket, at Cornelscourt in south Dublin in 1966, he used to drive up …Sat Nov 03 2012 - 00:00
Haughey's shirt of choice: Charvet pair at knockdown charity pricesCHARLIE HAUGHEY used to have his Charvet shirts delivered via diplomatic bag from Paris at great expense, but a second-hand pair…Sat Nov 03 2012 - 00:00
€10 extra to get on early trainYOUR CONSUMER QUERIES: A READER called Shaun made a return train trip from Dublin to Cork last week and paid €46Tue Oct 30 2012 - 00:00
Refund refused after site gives wrong gym locationYOUR CONSUMER QUERIES: A READER has been in touch in connection with online deal site LivingSocial.Tue Oct 30 2012 - 00:00
Four years from €1,200 fridgeYOUR CONSUMER QUERIES: A READER called Rita bought a Samsung RSH fridge-freezer four years agoTue Oct 30 2012 - 00:00
Putting a high value on own-brandIrish consumers have less money to spend on food and less time to shop but they still want to get quality – even when buying …Tue Oct 30 2012 - 00:00
Tesco's 'per unit' prices don't add upYOUR CONSUMER QUERIES: IN EARLY October a reader called Conor was on the Tesco website looking for nappies for his child.Tue Oct 30 2012 - 00:00
Record numbers expected to turn out for big raceRECORD NUMBERS of people will take the streets of the capital on Monday for the Dublin Marathon, which remains without a sponsor…Sat Oct 27 2012 - 01:00
Mother of autistic boys tracks stolen car through social mediaA WOMAN whose car was stolen in Bray while she was in a toy shop with two of her four autistic sons successfully harnessed the…Sat Oct 27 2012 - 01:00
Crash survivor running for his lifeSTEVEN RAFFERTY remembers nothing about the moment he almost died.Sat Oct 27 2012 - 01:00
Analogue consigned to broadcasting history“I’VE JUST secured my place in historyThu Oct 25 2012 - 01:00
House prices rise for third monthTHERE WERE fresh indications yesterday that the property market in the Republic may have stabilised with the Central Statistics…Thu Oct 25 2012 - 01:00
Airlines must pay for delays, says courtEUROPEAN AIRLINES will have to compensate passengers by up to €600 if their flights are delayed by over three hours following…Wed Oct 24 2012 - 01:00
Irish soccer fans spent €100m in UKIRISH SOCCER fans are proving to be remarkably resilient in the face of recessionTue Oct 23 2012 - 01:00
Eight reasons why the banks hate usADS FOR BANKS are filled with smiling, happy people brimful of optimism, shaking hands with their can-do bank manager who has…Tue Oct 23 2012 - 01:00
More adults left with nothing after billsTHE STATE of Irish consumers’ finances continues to worsen with half of all adults now saying they struggle to pay bills on time…Mon Oct 22 2012 - 01:00
Wills are the way to goNext Monday marks the start of Best Will in the World Week and more than 200 solicitors across the State will offer people help…Tue Oct 16 2012 - 01:00
Price of many drugs may fall 10% from next monthTHE PRICE of prescription drugs is likely to fall by more than 10 per cent within days after the Department of Health announces…Sat Oct 13 2012 - 01:00
Children's TV shows free to run cheese adsTHE BROADCASTING Authority of Ireland (BAI) announced yesterday that advertising cheese products on children’s television shows…Sat Oct 13 2012 - 01:00
Recruitment process begins for insolvency service staffTHE ESTABLISHMENT of the long-awaited personal insolvency service has moved a step closer with the announcement from the Department…Sat Oct 13 2012 - 01:00
Thanks be to cheeses ban is liftedThere was grate news for Ireland’s cheesemakers who got their whey this morning when the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI…Fri Oct 12 2012 - 01:00
Broadcasting Authority upholds complaints about TV3 'psychic' programmeCOMPLAINTS ABOUT TV3’s controversial Psychic Readings Live have been upheld by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) because…Fri Oct 12 2012 - 01:00