Finn McRedmond: Myth of global Britain laid bare in utter shallownessBoris Johnson chronically confuses culture and economics of affair called BrexitThu Aug 26 2021 - 01:00
Covid’s greatest byproduct could be a shared ethical stanceFinn McRedmond: Wearing masks for each other’s benefit was not a hard message to graspThu Aug 19 2021 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: Meghan makes an unparalleled bid for obnoxiousnessIt will take more than a pet project to help women the pandemic has affected mostThu Aug 12 2021 - 01:00
Remember when boybands ruled the world. Where have they all gone?Finn McRedmond: It is hard to see the likes of Westlife and One Direction ever happening againFri Aug 06 2021 - 05:00
Olympic Games that nobody wanted confound criticsPerseverance of US gymnast Simone Biles is an apt metaphor for the past 18 monthsThu Aug 05 2021 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: Dominic Cummings will hold on to the limelight at any costBoris Johnson’s former adviser has maintained his place in the public eye, but why?Thu Jul 29 2021 - 01:00
Space launches of Branson and Bezos show how out of touch some of world’s wealthiest areEarth is too busy to marvel at the billionaire space raceThu Jul 22 2021 - 01:00
The anyone-but-the-English crowd look exactly like the BrexiteersOur Irishness is not undermined simply by celebrating EnglishnessThu Jul 15 2021 - 01:00
Gossip Girl reboot: like Breaking Bad with no methWorld of Blair Waldorf could not be less appropriate to discuss class consciousnessSat Jul 10 2021 - 05:00
Finn McRedmond: UK culture war gaining speed and momentumWoke and non-woke may be biggest dividing line between voters in futureThu Jul 08 2021 - 01:00
Fairness not the ultimate virtue in a pandemicWhat is best for everyone often has to come at the expense of a fewThu Jul 01 2021 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: Come on you fascinatingly boring England!Why I support England in the Euros and why you should tooThu Jun 24 2021 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: I want to be uncool and enjoy stuff I’m bad atLearning to cede dignity and enjoy yourself nonetheless is liberatingSat Jun 19 2021 - 06:00
Finn McRedmond: A politician’s choice of poet tells us a lotThere seems a certain genre of leader inescapably drawn to trotting out a few lines of verse when inspiration strikesThu Jun 17 2021 - 01:00
Boris Johnson right to ditch ‘special relationship’ tagUK leader caught between rock and hard place over US trade dealThu Jun 10 2021 - 01:00
Why did Taylor Swift suddenly get all woke? She capitulated to our one-note cultural landscapeFinn McRedmond: Without dissenting voices, all we are left with is hitmakers’ vaguely political popFri Jun 04 2021 - 05:00
Finn McRedmond: Boris Johnson, a man-child for all seasonsCynics may snort at his Catholic wedding, but he is more complex than we thinkThu Jun 03 2021 - 01:00
Empowerment is not the ultimate goal for most womenPerhaps there is a quiet defiance in not striving for world dominationThu May 27 2021 - 01:00
It just feels way too soon for Coronavirus, The MusicalNovelist Jodi Picoult and playwright Timothy Allen McDonald teamed up to write a musical, chronicling the pandemic experience from five couples’ perspectivesThu May 20 2021 - 08:54
Finn McRedmond: Sock puppet twitter accounts part of a wider problem in public discourseFear of cancel culture may be stifling free speech, but there’s no easy solutionThu May 13 2021 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: What choice did Billie Eilish have but swap sweatpants for stockings?Something inevitable about pop ingenue's decision to undertake revealing Vogue shootThu May 06 2021 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: Cummings v Johnson is more Gossip Girl than The West WingIt is hard to avoid the takeaway that this is governance based on vengeance not substanceThu Apr 29 2021 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: Morrissey and The Simpsons are both past their sell-by dateComedy and satire have real power but most television humour is safe and toothlessThu Apr 22 2021 - 01:00
Prince Philip emerges as a complicated figure with an even more complicated historyFinn McRedmond: We should dismiss impulse to order the world into simple, moral categoriesThu Apr 15 2021 - 01:03
Cancel culture ignores fact that bad people can create good thingsFinn McRedmond: We must value the work of artists in spite of their so-called moral failingsThu Apr 08 2021 - 01:00
Rise in Union Jack flag-waving is a sign of deep anxiety in the UKFinn McRedmond: Exercises like flag waving are associated with nascent, insecure countriesThu Apr 01 2021 - 01:00
Why Jack Dorsey’s first ever tweet is an art workNFTs have forced us to consider what we like about art and why we want to own itThu Mar 25 2021 - 09:14
Men need to stop trying to be our allies and just listen this timeFinn McRedmond: Fear of male violence did not begin with tragedy of Sarah Everard’s murderThu Mar 18 2021 - 09:08
British don’t understand why we don’t understand the royal familyTwelve hundred years of monarchy embeds itself in the national psycheThu Mar 11 2021 - 03:00
Finn McRedmond: Wokeness is dying, another victim of the pandemicAmid global crisis, the requirements of wokeness have become too demandingThu Mar 04 2021 - 01:00
Relax, boomer: Gen Z and the millennials have turned on one anotherSkinny jeans, Harry Potter and hair partings are all in the firing lineThu Feb 25 2021 - 01:00
Are we really entitled to lecture Britain about remembering?It is intellectually lazy to cast British history as a malign story of imperialismThu Feb 18 2021 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: Will Andrew Neil’s GB News shake up the media landscape?Broadcaster believes there is an Irish appetite for views that don’t adhere to the liberal leftThu Feb 11 2021 - 01:00
Rumours of the death of cities greatly exaggeratedFinn McRedmond: As we navigate the absence of city life, we are reminded of its worthThu Feb 04 2021 - 01:00
Vaccine war is Johnson’s chance to rewrite the Brexit narrativeEven major historical events are judged on their outcomes, not on details or processesThu Jan 28 2021 - 01:00
Starmer gives British Labour a lesson in Irish historyLabour leader signals he understands need to uphold Belfast AgreementThu Jan 21 2021 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: Trump has gone from Twitter…who is next?Tech giants should not have this kind of control over speechThu Jan 14 2021 - 01:00
Boris Johnson shows why optimism is now key in the fight against Covid-19Finn McRedmond: Overpromising makes practical sense when it comes to the vaccineThu Jan 07 2021 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: We should refuse to indulge the cult of celebrities any longerPandemic has not been a great equaliser, the hyper-privileged are not like the rest of usThu Dec 31 2020 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: Brexit is not some sort of karmic justiceMany in Ireland maintain a particularly cruel proclivity for schadenfreudeThu Dec 24 2020 - 01:00
Irish in London say new British lockdown ‘a punch in the gut’Alix Gaisford was packing for a flight home when she was alerted of the new restrictionsSun Dec 20 2020 - 21:25
Governments cannot win this ChristmasThey face blame for either for restrictions or for lockdowns that would otherwise followThu Dec 17 2020 - 01:00
We need to argue our way out of our ‘ideological bunkers’Medium of discussion must be moderate in order to effect actual political changeThu Dec 10 2020 - 01:00
Brexiteers line up Ireland as they play blame gameIt looks like a scapegoat is required for the severe consequences of EU departureThu Dec 03 2020 - 01:00
We have finally reached saturation point over Fairytale of New York debateA world dominated by tedious partisan culture wars is of no benefit to anyoneThu Nov 26 2020 - 01:00
Brexit has emboldened casual anti-Englishness among the IrishFinn McRedmond: Nastier impulses of nationalism are increasing in scaleThu Nov 19 2020 - 01:00
What will satirists do now Trump is on his way out?Largely toothless response to such an obvious enemy bodes ill for next four yearsThu Nov 12 2020 - 01:00
A Biden presidency may be vital in final push on Brexit trade dealDepth of the UK-US ‘special relationship’ could yet be a catalyst for progress on a dealFri Nov 06 2020 - 04:00
Finn McRedmond: Why did the Tories get it so wrong over feeding children?Scepticism over online ‘outrage’ blinded them to Marcus Rashford's simple aimThu Oct 29 2020 - 01:00
US presidential debate: who won, was it any good, were there any surprises?Six Irish Times journalists and commentators assess the Trump-Biden face-off in NashvilleFri Oct 23 2020 - 05:28