Finn McRedmond: Ireland’s sick system has been exposed by Covid-19 gender imbalancesLeaving women out of high-level Covid conversations can have nothing but negative effectsThu Oct 22 2020 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: Covid-19 pandemic the perfect breeding ground for conspiracy theoriesUnderstanding why conspiracies thrive in crises may help prevent them taking holdThu Oct 15 2020 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: Trump v Biden charade still had some valueAccountability is the cornerstone of any functioning democracyThu Oct 01 2020 - 01:00
US presidential debate: who won, was it any good, were there any surprises?Five Irish Times journalists and commentators give their verdicts on the Ohio face-offWed Sept 30 2020 - 04:57
Martin right about using social influencers to highlight Covid rulesVan Morrison is irrelevant to the battle to get young people to comply with restrictionsThu Sept 24 2020 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: Cometh the hour, cometh the JedwardHow the woke warrior twins capitalised on a zeitgeist and schooled the A-listersThu Sept 17 2020 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: Jennifer Zamparelli falls foul of amplified outrageThis was another instance of social media exercising an overweening influence on traditional mediaTue Sept 15 2020 - 16:00
Finn McRedmond: Johnson plays NI as a Brexit bargaining chipIdea London holds North’s interests and security on a par with its own is goneThu Sept 10 2020 - 01:00
Culture wars now a proxy for political debateRule Britannia may just be a song, but what row symbolised was something far greaterThu Sept 03 2020 - 01:00
Johnson’s ‘get Brexit done’ cabinet once again found wantingA-levels debacle just the latest blunder by low-quality cabinet not chosen for ability but for loyalty to his Brexit projectThu Aug 20 2020 - 01:00
What is the point of public art if the public does not like it?Finn McRedmond: Such art is not deserving of acclaim simply thanks to its tangible benefitsThu Aug 13 2020 - 01:00
The battle to save an Irishman’s eclectic art collection in a London council flatGerry Dalton, originally from Athlone, quietly built a fantastical world of figurines, models, statues and artSat Aug 08 2020 - 06:00
UK offers a model for how pubs could reopenWhen pubs reopen, case numbers go up, but the figures tell a more complicated storyThu Aug 06 2020 - 06:46
Why are women now dominating the literary landscape?There are several reasons for what appears to be a significant trend reversalThu Jul 30 2020 - 01:00
Taylor Swift: Folklore review – A triumph of wistful, escapist melancholyEmotional, self-aware songwriting brings comfort in a time of global uncertaintyFri Jul 24 2020 - 10:48
Praise for Ireland says more about the state of BritainFinn McRedmond: Articles in The Economist and Guardian show our neighbour’s identity crisisThu Jul 23 2020 - 01:34
Vocal few on social media now wield disproportionate powerTraditional media beholden to vocal few is liable to make grave errors of judgmentSat Jul 18 2020 - 04:50
Saving lives is the first priority, but allowing people to enjoy life also mattersLetting people have social lives is a key aspect of revitalising an economy on its kneesSat Jul 11 2020 - 05:02
Finn McRedmond: Best time to visit art galleries may be nowTired of virtual aesthetics, we can gaze on artworks before tourist crowds returnFri Jul 03 2020 - 01:00
Coronavirus and the rise and rise of the celebrity scientistFinn McRedmond: Some experts may be reluctant to get off the stage as their influence wanesFri Jun 26 2020 - 01:00
Britain is bigger than the anti-Irishness of the Daily ExpressWe are far more ready to accept the bad as definitive of our closest and most valuable neighbourFri Jun 19 2020 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: Britain is courting catastrophe by designBrexit as an ideological project has stripped the government of any sense of basic pragmatismFri Jun 12 2020 - 01:00
Finn McRedmond: Millennials entitled to some righteous indignationFlames of intergenerational conflict will not help anyone post-Covid-19Fri Jun 05 2020 - 01:00
Boris Johnson had little choice but to back Dominic CummingsThe controversy over Boris Johnson’s aide exposes the government’s basic design flawFri May 29 2020 - 01:00
Lockdown: the privileged few versus the ordinary many?Pandemic restrictions becoming a new front in the culture warsThu May 21 2020 - 01:23
Women leaders are doing better, but not for the reason you might thinkIt is wrong to assume feminine qualities make for a better pandemic responseFri May 15 2020 - 01:00
Coronavirus: London-Irish groups play a vital roleElderly Irish face new challenges amid the Covid-19 crisisMon May 11 2020 - 18:06
Don’t burden Sally Rooney with voice of a generation labelCritique of her work amounts - in the eyes of her legions of fans - to a critique of all successful young womenFri May 08 2020 - 09:09
Great crises produce great art – so where is it?The art world’s response to Trump fell flat but the Covid-19 crisis may spur creativityFri May 01 2020 - 01:00
Ryanair is being mean again but we don’t really carePeople may complain about getting vouchers not refunds but they’ll still return for moreFri Apr 24 2020 - 01:00
Boris Johnson’s power grabs created a government incapable of tackling Covid-19Finn McRedmond: Brexit-geared cabinet is not equipped to cope with pandemicFri Apr 17 2020 - 01:15
Finn McRedmond: Now we know the true meaning of freedomThe concept of liberty is a lot more nuanced than we realisedMon Apr 13 2020 - 01:00
Eurovision: Not even coronavirus can kill the campAn alternative version of the song contest should be welcomed as crucial frivolityFri Apr 03 2020 - 01:55
Finn McRedmond: No one is sick of experts nowThere is less room for Brexiteer-style bluster and windbagging when people are dyingFri Mar 27 2020 - 01:00
Cocktails over Skype? Can virtual-socialising ever be normal?People are now turning to the like of Zoom and Skype for face-to-face contactFri Mar 20 2020 - 08:03
Cheltenham shows Boris Johnson not at the races on Covid-19UK prime minister’s response to crisis contrasts with that of EU counterpartsFri Mar 13 2020 - 01:16
Cheltenham returnees to face ‘health conversation’ at airportCoveney says racing festival would not have been held if it was in IrelandThu Mar 12 2020 - 23:03
Victorious Geraghty and McManus back in the Cheltenham spotlightMixed views among town residents as to whether event should have been cancelledWed Mar 11 2020 - 21:20
Coronavirus fears cast aside as Cheltenham Festival kicks offBritish authorities say ‘no reason’ to cancel sporting events as Irish punters flock to racesTue Mar 10 2020 - 22:10
Are the Brexiteers now weaponising coronavirus?As they struggle to define Brexit they are deliberately deviating from EU guidelinesSat Mar 07 2020 - 01:41
Britain is uncomfortable because Ireland has the upper hand for the first timeFinn McRedmond: UK cannot see the State as a nation realising its voice on the international stageFri Feb 28 2020 - 01:58
Finn McRedmond: Johnson pulls up drawbridge on immigrationEfforts to cast himself as a liberal Conservative now sullied beyond repairWed Feb 19 2020 - 17:09
Finn McRedmond: Julian Smith pays price for dissentJohnson and Cummings are prioritising elimination of discord from their cabinetFri Feb 14 2020 - 00:59
Astrology’s comeback highlights a crisis of identityIt seems to offer its fans a tribal identity while tapping into an inherent narcissismFri Feb 07 2020 - 01:16
Remainers march in much-reduced numbers to mark Brexit dayProtesters taunted by huge crowd of pro-Brexit revellers at Houses of ParliamentFri Jan 31 2020 - 20:13
Finn McRedmond: UK rank and file too weary for forced Brexit joyLeavers more interested in public services and NHS than worn rhetoric of empireFri Jan 31 2020 - 01:06
New York Times’s spineless Democratic endorsement shows experts have lost their nerveFrom presidential candidates to Booker Prize novels, experts cannot make up their mindsThu Jan 23 2020 - 00:45
Finn McRedmond: ‘Build more houses’ a better slogan for Fine GaelParty seems to believe opting for unmemorable message is better than being memorable for wrong reasonsThu Jan 16 2020 - 00:46
Ricky Gervais was right to criticise Hollywood A-listers’ narcissistic lecturesDespite his failings, at least Donald Trump was elected, unlike moralising actorsFri Jan 10 2020 - 06:00
Boris Johnson has good reason to keep Varadkar closeFinn McRedmond: British PM’s current position is in no small part due to DublinFri Jan 03 2020 - 01:00