Callinan’s ‘goose cooked’ after whistleblower remarks - SFSinn Féin would not have objected to Cabinet decision to seek commissioner’s resignationTue Sept 22 2015 - 21:42
Tanaiste defends Taoiseach and AG in Callinan controversyMinisters round on Fianna Fáil leader over resignation of former Garda CommissionerTue Sept 22 2015 - 21:36
Comfortable majority for Taoiseach in motion of confidenceAttorney General failed to do ’honourable thing’ for her role in controversy - MartinTue Sept 22 2015 - 21:23
Government wins vote on motion of confidence in KennyCriticisms of Coalition over Fennelly report findings during confidence Dáil debateTue Sept 22 2015 - 18:26
Government publishes personal details of new citizens onlineData Protection Commissioner says making the information public is stipulated by lawFri Aug 21 2015 - 01:00
Accuracy of evidence from drunk sex assault victims not affected by intoxication – studyRate of sexual assault on women between 16 and 24 four times higher than any other ageTue Aug 18 2015 - 18:57
Illegal badger ‘persecution’ role in increased bovine TB – studyInterference with badger setts rare but clustered in known ‘TB hotspots in cattle’Mon Aug 17 2015 - 19:05
Training proposed for first-time speed offendersRSA warns another 100 people may die this year unless road behaviour changesSat Aug 15 2015 - 08:04
Over a third of drivers killed weren’t wearing seat beltsRSA warns that another 100 people will die this year unless behaviour changesFri Aug 14 2015 - 16:37
Migrant crisis: Irish hauliers in Calais need support - FFTransport spokesman Timmy Dooley in France to meet Irish hauliersThu Aug 13 2015 - 18:47
Dublin traffic changes could lead to drop in business for retailersCar park users walk no more than 300 to 400 metres to final destination, survey saysMon Aug 10 2015 - 09:50
Decency, respect and freedom are ‘core values’French ambassador pays tribute to Ireland’s solidarity in wake of Charlie Hebdo attacksMon Aug 10 2015 - 01:00
‘Voice UK’ singer Sharon Murphy to address human rights forumGenocide does not start with gas chamber ‘but with whispers’, says Holocaust survivorMon Aug 03 2015 - 01:00
Government policy home energy efficiency ‘short-sighted’Grant funding cut in three years from €57.6 million to €9.9 million in three yearsTue Jul 28 2015 - 08:52
Local community in shock after deaths of Louth coupleQuigley and Beagan families are well-known in close-knit parish of Kilkerley in DundalkTue Jul 28 2015 - 07:08
Concern Worldwide and Gorta Self Help Africa may mergeIrish aid agencies are in discussions after board approval of moveMon Jul 27 2015 - 01:00
Woman dies after three-car collision in Co LimerickVictim, in her 70s, was passenger in car travelling on N21 near RathkealeSun Jul 26 2015 - 22:44
Publication of alcohol Bill delayed until autumnDelay creates doubts about Bill to introduce minimum pricing passing by end of yearThu Jul 23 2015 - 19:44
Central Bank board concerns pushed aside by ‘weight of advice’John Dunne says damage to social fabric and individuals an ‘enormous personal regret’Wed Jul 22 2015 - 12:23
Banking inquiry: Begg describes EU troika as ‘uncaring zealots’Former union head excludes IMF from criticismWed Jul 22 2015 - 11:04
Environmental Protection Agency accused of failing to actSenator says in many cases the agency had chosen not to believe the concerns of citizensWed Jul 22 2015 - 01:00
Seanad will not move to Farmleigh over chamber repairsSenator Maurice Cummins rules out venue as renovation of roof is delayed until 2016Tue Jul 21 2015 - 18:40
Paul Dunne: Seanad tributes to golfer who ‘came out of the blue’Éamonn Coghlan calls for Government to make Ireland a leader in sports tourismMon Jul 20 2015 - 22:23
‘Wolf in sheep’s clothing’ Bill passed for ‘won’t pay’ debtorsBill a ‘panicked reaction’ following public’s ‘huge lack of buy-in’ on water chargesMon Jul 20 2015 - 20:13
Aviva cannot be allowed ‘off the hook’ on lifesaving surgeryInsurance company says they will only pay €22,000 out of €200,000 cost of surgeryMon Jul 20 2015 - 16:37
Cull the other one: Call for hunt of vicious seagullsFF Senator says David Cameron highlighted gull dangers after dog killedMon Jul 20 2015 - 15:43
People still jailed as 2010 law for fines payment by instalment not implementedAnother law in 2014 with the same provisions also not implemented, Seanad toldSat Jul 18 2015 - 01:01
FF Senator calls for gender quota in judicial ranksCathaoirleach says role of judiciary and separation of powers must be recognisedFri Jul 17 2015 - 01:00
Consultants main recipients of high pensions, Burton saysUproar when Tánaiste says no Independents offered to give up leader’s allowanceFri Jul 17 2015 - 01:00
Bill would allow zero hour workers increase hours ’gently’Legislation aimed at Dunnes Stores business model of ’exploitation, pure and simple’Fri Jul 17 2015 - 01:00
Burton says retired consultants main recipients of high pensionsFitzmaurice wants new law to cut State pensions of more than €100,000 per annumThu Jul 16 2015 - 14:15
Defence Forces next chief of staff to be drawn from Naval ServiceLegislation passed to facilitate promotion Rear Adm Mark MellettThu Jul 16 2015 - 01:02
Kenny disappointed that no independent review of Ballymurphy deathsSinn Féin leader names 11 killed when internment introduced in 1971Thu Jul 16 2015 - 01:02
Nama asks gardai to investigate claims of €15,000 ‘cash in a bag’Wallace alleges Nama did not enforce guarantees provided by barristers and bankersWed Jul 15 2015 - 21:18
Project Eagle: Wallace asks 20 questions on Nama saleTD asks about role of Nama NI adviser Frank Cushnahan and Cerberus/Pimco legal teamsWed Jul 15 2015 - 17:53
Wallace claims ‘€15,000 in a bag’ paid to Nama managerTaoiseach says TD must bring allegations to gardaí or the Public Accounts CommitteeWed Jul 15 2015 - 15:02
Self-employed have fewer staff now, Creighton claimsTaoiseach says environment has improved and entrepreneurs winning in more marketsWed Jul 15 2015 - 01:00
Taoiseach criticised over records of water charge paymentsSocialist TD says he has been asking the same question for two months without successWed Jul 15 2015 - 01:00
Social democratic-style party a possibility as three Independents unveil ‘venture’Catherine Murphy, Róisín Shortall and Stephen Donnelly will launch group on WednesdayMon Jul 13 2015 - 01:00
State repeals almost 6,000 obsolete lawsIt is now legal to criticise Henry VIII’s second marriage and for everyone to eat oatmealMon Jul 13 2015 - 01:00
Higgins leads memorial service for Irish military deadPresident pays respects at Kilmainham event on National Day of CommemorationSun Jul 12 2015 - 16:32
Sinn Féin Mayors lay wreaths at World War memorial serviceVeterans of British forces and Defence Forces members attend annual commemorationSat Jul 11 2015 - 18:57
Shortall, Murphy and Donnelly form new political grouping‘We are excited to be working together to offer a new credible political choice’Sat Jul 11 2015 - 17:40
Nine bodies oversee Ireland’s islands but who’s in charge?Farming flourished with EU membership but fishing suffered, Dáil toldFri Jul 10 2015 - 16:57
Thirty children trafficked for sexual exploitation in two yearsChild grooming Bill introduced as Ireland pressured to outline protection measuresFri Jul 10 2015 - 14:17
Seanad claims of ‘extreme communism’ in inheritance tax rowFianna Fáil claims anti-Dublin bias, but Labour says inheritance perpetuates inequalityFri Jul 10 2015 - 01:00
Leo Varadkar refuses to intervene in symphysiotomy payment schemeMinister says judge is independent as Sinn Féin claims process is demeaningFri Jul 10 2015 - 01:00
Heated Dáil row over Stagg’s email on lone parent welfare cutsEmmet Stagg sent email to constituent criticising the cuts introduced by BurtonThu Jul 09 2015 - 17:41
Kenny warns budget may be used to tackle mortgage ratesTaoiseach says Central Bank has to request legislation to deal with interest ratesWed Jul 08 2015 - 13:41
Economist raises concerns about lack of cost-benefit analysis of key public projectsBarrett worried about sale of Aer Lingus, post-code system and electricity generationTue Jul 07 2015 - 22:41