O captain, my captainReprising his role as Captain James T Kirk in JJ Abrams’ Star Trek Into Darkness, Chris Pine is once again boldly going where just one man has gone beforeFri May 10 2013 - 01:00
Rotten Potatoes on why we hate Britain getting movies firstNumbers never lie. We love Iron Man, but we don’t love getting films after the UK doesFri May 10 2013 - 01:00
Jeff Nichols: the hippest young director on the blockIs it Southern Gothic? Americana? Or just another reason to love Matthew McConaughey? Jeff Nichols is back with the intruguing MudFri May 03 2013 - 01:00
Ironman 3's king of the screenHe has an Oscar, a Grammy and a knighthood. And now he’s an action figure. Ben Kingsley talks Iron Man Three.Fri Apr 26 2013 - 06:00
Review: BernieJack Black and Shirley MacLaine team up in this scarcely released and criminally overlooked demi-mockumentaryFri Apr 26 2013 - 01:00
Pierce Brosnan: charm is all he needsHe may have left the Bond persona behind years ago, but Pierce Brosnan is still one smooth operatorFri Apr 19 2013 - 01:00
Bad vibrations for Irish movie profitsSix Irish releases in as many weeks? Surely that’s asking for troubleFri Apr 19 2013 - 01:00
Rotten PotatoesMidterm is a time for children . . . except when there’s a Jason Bateman optionFri Apr 19 2013 - 01:00
Olga Kurylenko: the woman who fell to earthFormer ‘Bond babe’ Olga Kurylenko insists that her days as arm candy are over; the star of new sci-fi blockbuster Oblivion is learning how to fight, and she’s loving itFri Apr 12 2013 - 01:00
Harmony Korine: Agent provocateurLong hailed as American cinema’s great outsider artist, with the shamlessly provocative Spring Breakers, Harmony Korine is finally a hitFri Apr 05 2013 - 01:00
West of MemphisAmy Berg’s portrait of American injustice is thrilling and terrifying in equal measureFri Mar 29 2013 - 00:00
Vincent Cassel: ‘I really wanted to change the idea of cinema’Onscreen he’s a force of nature but on a couch the French actor is a good deal more cuddlyFri Mar 29 2013 - 00:00
Post-Olympics, Danny Boyle continues his gold runWhile crafting his epic Olympic opening ceremony, director Danny Boyle also had a film on the boil. He might be the hardest working man in cinema, but he’s also the nicestThu Mar 28 2013 - 06:00
Canny BoyJames McAvoy, the Scottish star of Danny Boyle’s new film Trance, reveals why he prefers fish and chips and nights in to glitzy premieresFri Mar 22 2013 - 10:22
Women winningIt was a good year for female directors at this year's Jameson Dublin International Film FestivalFri Mar 08 2013 - 00:00
Hansel and Gretel: Witch HuntersIt’s short. We’ll give it that. There’s no reason in the world for this not to be good, clean, trashy funFri Mar 01 2013 - 00:00
Caesar Must Die/Cesare Deve MorireCaesar Must Die picks up where Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar ends, as heavy-hearted Marcus Brutus, one of Caesar…Fri Mar 01 2013 - 00:00
And the award for the best hair goes to . . .The gongs may have been decided but we’ve a few choice awards of our own to hand out after last nightTue Feb 26 2013 - 00:00
'Good evening, Hollywood phonies' What the presenters say about the OscarsIf you’re bat crazy enough to sit up and watch the Oscars live – guilty as charged, m’lord – you could be forgiven for wondering…Sat Feb 23 2013 - 00:00