Airport worker directors' limbo

The Minister for Transport, Mr Cullen, says he is anxious to see worker directors taking up their positions at the Dublin Airport…

The Minister for Transport, Mr Cullen, says he is anxious to see worker directors taking up their positions at the Dublin Airport Authority as soon as possible.

The board of the authority held its first operational meeting on Monday, but without any worker directors taking part. A spokesman for the Minister said procedural and technical issues were being addressed to allow the worker directors to participate.

Unions at the airport are concerned that major decisions could be made without any worker director input.

In the period ahead, business plans for the three airports formerly controlled by Aer Rianta will have to be drawn up and controversial cost-control measures are also likely to be examined.


In recent weeks, SIPTU has clashed with some of the smaller unions at the airport over precisely how worker representatives should be selected.

A straight election is likely to return three, or possibly four, SIPTU worker directors.

The union represents almost 82 per cent (1,234 people) of all staff at the Dublin Airport Authority.

"The Minister is anxious to get the matters resolved as soon as possible, along with the unions and management of the company," said a spokesman for Mr Cullen last night.

It is understood four interim worker directors have been recommended by the ICTU. The accountant Mr Greg Sparks and the economist Mr Paul Sweeney are believed to be among this group.

However, the four interim directors were not present at the meeting on Monday. It is understood the Department of Transport may help in getting elections advanced for permanent worker-directors. The board is made up of 12 members, including four worker directors.