
Bernie Goldbach could conceivably claim to have Ireland's longest running blog

Bernie Goldbach could conceivably claim to have Ireland's longest running blog. Started in 2001 as Irish Eyes, Goldbach, who is a lecturer in digital media at Tipperary Institute, has recently rebranded his blog as Inside View, the place where he muses on internet technology, education and entrepreneurship.

His commitment to being connected to the latest technologies while travelling the highways and byways of Ireland means that Goldbach probably also has some of the highest mobile phone bills in the country - a fact that he likes to analyse and discuss on his blog. He is also a vocal supporter of the need for broadband access in rural areas.

His writing style, sometimes clipped and difficult to penetrate, reflects the fact that many of his posts are published from the road.

Subscribing to Inside View through a feed reader will deprive you of a view of Inside View's sidebar, where the embedded widgets showcase some of the latest Web 2.0 applications.


For example, while the rest of the world is still coming to terms with Twitter, Goldbach has moved on to Jaiku, a more robust micro-blogging platform, which also allows you to share your digital life with your friends.

Goldbach's left-field take on the Irish Sunday papers could give any of the talking heads on national radio a run for their money.

For the rest of the week, he's guaranteed to provoke some interesting thoughts on technology, although the less tech savvy readers may find his depth of knowledge slightly intimidating.