Lisney is quoting €850,000 for an infill south docklands site within walking distance of Cork city centre.
The 1.78-acre site, which contains a vacant warehouse of about 2,581sq m (27,778sq ft), has 80m of frontage to Monahan Road where the council plans to significantly upgrade the public realm from Kennedy Park up to Páirc Uí Chaoimh to include a linear park and cycle lanes. Páirc Uí Chaoimh is currently undergoing a €78 million redevelopment which should see the stadium reopen in June 2017 with a 48,000 capacity.
The Monahan Road site is zoned “mixed-use development” in the Cork City Development Plan 2015-2021. This allows for residential, offices, and commercial development – subject to planning permission.

According to the South Docks Local Area Plan 2008, indicative building heights for the property are from four to six storeys.
Edward Hanafin of Lisney says the site may suit a residential scheme, especially as the council previously granted planning permission in 2006 for a mixed-use development which included 95 apartments, five townhouses and 3,067sq m (33,013sq ft) of business and technology space on the site.
This development was in five main blocks of four to six storeys over basement car-parking. An Bord Pleanála subsequently refused planning permission following a third-party appeal.
The site is 1km east of Cork city centre on the southern side of Monahan Road. It is 170m east of Kennedy Park and 700m from the Elyisan apartment development.