What to: sow, plant and do now

Sow (with heat): hybrid broccolis, mini cauliflower, celeriac, celery, leeks, onions, asparagus

Sow (with heat):hybrid broccolis, mini cauliflower, celeriac, celery, leeks, onions, asparagus

Sow under cover (mild gardens only):broad beans, beetroot, Brussels sprouts, summer and autumn cabbage, carrots, leeks, lettuce, Japanese bunching, main crop and spring onions, radish, orache, peas (mild areas only), CCA (cut-and-come-again) crops

Sow outdoors (in mild areas/very good growing conditions):broad beans, onions, kohl rabi, parsnip, peas, radish, spinach

Plant: garlic (well-drained soils only), onion sets, rhubarb (as sets), spring cabbage, shallots, Jerusalem artichokes


Do: dig and manure soils where they aren't frozen / waterlogged, begin preparing seedbeds, disinfect glasshouses / polytunnels / seed trays, etc, order seed and seed potatoes, start chitting seed potatoes (remember to protect from frost damage), plan crop rotations, net brassicas to protect from pigeon damage