Entrepreneurs Anonymous share their stories of success

PropertyGate founder Tony Staunton with Gary Leyden, director, NDRC LaunchPad, and Cian Flood of PropertyGate

In Dublin tomorrow, a networking event is taking place in MacTurcaill’s pub for early-stage start-ups and entrepreneurs.

The Entrepreneurs Anonymous event is an informal get-together for people to exchange information and network, according to event organiser John Muldoon.

PropertyGate founder Tony Staunton will speak about his entrepreneurial journey from setting up the business, getting onto start-up accelerator programmes and making sales.

His company, which provides property management software for landlords, last month won investment worth €30,000 as part of the NDRC Lift Off competition.

The creator of the world's first web search engine will join more than 500 information retrieval experts in Dublin this week to discuss web search, past, present and future.


The SIGIR conference is celebrating the 20th anniversary of web search engines with an opening panel taking place today to discuss 20 years of web search.

Jonathon Fletcher, creator of what’s commonly considered to be the world’s first web search engine, will join senior representatives of Google, Microsoft and Yahoo to recall web search 20 years ago and discuss emerging innovations in web search today.

John R Smith of the IBM Watson Research Centre will tomorrow deliver the conference keynote address on Riding the Multimedia Big Data Wave.

Today, multimedia makes up 60 per cent of internet traffic and 70 per cent of mobile phone traffic. The keynote talk will address why multimedia content requires highly sophisticated algorithms for content analysis, and is spurring on tremendous amounts of research to enable effective multimedia information extraction and retrieval.

With more and more business now conducted through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn, companies need to be seen to be posting, tweeting and blogging to connect with their customers.

Cork Chamber of Commerce is hosting a seminar entitled Social Media Wake-up Call at the River Lee Hotel tomorrow, which aims to raise awareness of the need to be socially responsible and accountable online.

The seminar will feature a number of speakers including award-winning communications strategist Krishna De, solicitor Pat Mullins, and Caroline Goulding, trust and safety lead with LinkedIn.

It will be chaired by comedian and broadcaster Colm O’Regan, who is also the creator of the @irishmammies Twitter phenomenon.