TODAY Meetings: Dalata Hotel Group EGM (Clayton Hotel, D4); Silicon Stroll (Marker Hotel, D4). Indicators: Irish Investec services PMI (Sept); German Markit composite PMI final (Sept); Markit services PMI final (Sept); Euro zone Markit services PMI final (Sept); Euro zone retail PMI (Sept). TOMORROW Results: PepsiCo. Indicators: German factory orders (August). WEDNESDAY Results: Monsanto; Tesco. Indicators: German industrial production (August); UK industrial production (August). THURSDAY Results: Alcoa; Domino's Pizza; Suedzucker. Meetings: IMI management conference (Irish Management Institute, Sandyford ); Retail Ireland summit (St James's Gate ); National pharmacy summit (Citywest Hotel, Saggart); .Next computing forum (Lighthouse Cinema, Dublin); Dublin Chamber annual dinner (Convention Centre, Dublin). Indicators: Irish inflation rate (Sept); UK Halifax House Price Index (Sept); US continuing jobless claims (Sept 26th). FRIDAY Results: Givaudan. Meetings: CURAM entrepreneurship seminar (NUI Galway biosciences building). Indicators: UK balance of trade (Aug); US export prices.
For your diary
A round up of business events happening this week