
Yesterday's business website poll asked: are we overly critical of our banks?

Yesterday's business website poll asked: are we overly critical of our banks?

Your verdict:

Yes: 19% No: 81%

Your reaction:


"Of course people are critical of banks. They are an easy target. True, the banks have let themselves down in recent years with bogus non-resident accounts, foreign exchange overcharges, etc, but the general public's biggest gripe is always around profits and fees. That's what they are there for. These are businesses who have to work as hard as possible on achieving maximum returns for the shareholders. We are much slower to critise supermarkets, cement manufacturers, oil companies, etc, who are probably ripping us off even more than the banks."

- Pat, Ireland

"We don't criticise banks half enough and therefore are saddled with the service we deserve. Hidden charges everywhere, appallingly low levels of interest on savings accounts, unclear and misguiding documentation, demise of face-to-face banking. Even the adherence of the traditional opening hours in today's world are symptomatic of banks doing what they like.

Episodes of gross mismanagment and outright deception emerge yearly and still their banks trundle on, answerable only to their shareholders as they post massive profits at our expense."

- Edward Edison, Ireland

"What? How is it possible to be overly critical of these faceless, soulless, morally bankrupt institutions which make obscene amounts of money while bleeding their customers dry?"

- Steve Mooney, Ireland