In His Own Words

On making mistakes:

On making mistakes:

I've made lots of mistakes, probably so many I can't pick out one in particular. You learn by making them and then move on, there isn't much time in this industry to reflect on what might have been.

On managing a 3,500 strong workforce:

You have to communicate to people better and more effectively to ensure messages get right through the organisation. You just have to trust people and believe they will deliver.


On getting the most out of employees:

We try to continually communicate and translate our own performance metrics, and compare them with those of other regions. We show them what's strong and what's not and their role within that.

On Ireland's future with Dell:

Ireland has as good a chance as anywhere else (of being the location for Dell's next manufacturing facility). But we do not have a God-given right either, and we'll have to fight for it.

His biggest challenge:

Ensuring all the employees are motivated, well trained and flexible.

On what sets the Irish operation apart:

When customers say "jump", we say "how high?". That puts huge pressure on us, but people have delivered that consistently here, which makes us unique.

On worries:

Do you have two hours? The industry is constantly changing, and a lot of livelihoods are dependent on it. It is difficult for all the players to grow and maintain their competitive advantage.

On his career:

Coming from managing 15 people to an organisation of this size is a real opportunity, and one that most people would never get. You could say I've lived through the soap opera of the computer industry from being with Apple to Dell, and meeting all of the people who feature in the magazine interviews along the way.