The Margin feels the following exchange of views on the Luas initiative - from the Dail record of February 15th - may not be particularly useful to students of public transport. But political scrutineers will be glad to note that Fine Gael man Ivan Yates, Labour's Emmett Stagg and Public Enterprise Minister Mary O'Rourke were keeping close tabs on each other's well-being - if not necessarily on the matter under discussion.
Mr Stagg: Light rail does not go undergound.
Mr Yates: The Minister is dreaming.
Ms O'Rourke: Dreaming is lovely. I would like to be a dreamer, but I am not. I do not have the time to dream.
Mr Stagg: She is raving.
Mr Yates: Raving might be a more appropriate term.
Ms O'Rourke: The Deputy is the raving loony bit and that has been identified by everyone.
Mr Yates: What about Line E?
An Ceann Comhairle: Please allow the Minister to contribute.
Ms O'Rourke: I do not mind not answering. They can turn Question Time around. I would like to ask the Deputies questions. Would that be possible, a Cheann Comhairle?
Mr Stagg: The Minister will be doing that so soon enough.
Mr Yates: She will not have to wait too long for that opportunity.
Ms O'Rourke: Deputy Yates should dream on.
. . . And people wonder whether Luas will ever get off the ground!
Of course, it should be noted that the frank exchange took place before this week's series of further frank exchanges following the sudden resignation of CIE chairman Mr Brian Joyce.
"That's one the Minister didn't see coming on the tracks," quipped one wag.