Loss of 52 jobs with closure of Ennis firm

The west sustained another jobs loss yesterday with the announcement that Ennis manufacturing firm, Pacific Scientific, is to…

The west sustained another jobs loss yesterday with the announcement that Ennis manufacturing firm, Pacific Scientific, is to close with the loss of 52 jobs.

The news follows Monday's announcement of 230 job losses at the Volex Group in Castlebar, Co Mayo. Workers at US-owned Pacific Scientific, which manufactures high performance motors, were told yesterday by managing director Mr Michael Travers that it is to close on a phased basis - from February 1st until the end of April.

Mr Travers told workers that the action has been forced upon the company "by a significant weakening of the European robotics market; as a consequence of this situation the corporation has no option but to reduce costs through operational consolidation".

Company employee for the past eight years, Mr Patsy Fahy, expressed shock at the news yesterday. "The workers are stunned because we have always baled out of difficult situations before - but it is not to be this time.


The closure of Pacific Scientific is the third closure of manufacturing facilities in Ennis in the past nine months, with a combined loss of 200 jobs and with no replacement industry having been established in that period.

The announcment yesterday prompted calls for Government intervention to reverse the trend in Ennis from Ennis Town Council chairman, Mr Michael Corley of the Labour Party.

A jobs initiative, Industry Ennis, has yet to secure a major industry for the town. It was launched to take advantage of Ennis's Information Age Town status.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times