Cap on superstore development be reduced from 3,000 sq. ft to 2,500 sq. ft;
A fee to be imposed on out-of-town car park operators;
The Groceries Order, which prohibits practices such as below-cost selling, boycotting of suppliers and so-called "hello money", to be retained;
New entrants to the market to have a purchasing office;
Stores of more than 2,000 sq. m to be encouraged to display the ratio of Irish produced goods to imported goods;
A monitoring committee to be set up by Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment;
An independent environmental impact study to be submitted for stores exceeding 1,000 sq. m;
Stores exceeding 1,000 sq. m should trade only between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Sundays and not be allowed to trade between midnight and 6.30 a.m.;
Stores exceeding 1,000 sq. m selling convenience foods should close on Christmas Day and on all public holidays;
The possibility of setting up co-operative trading organisations to be examined to counter losses to smaller suppliers through centralised distribution;
Stores greater than 1,000 sq. m to be prevented from selling petrol and diesel;
"Realistic" penalties to be introduced for price-fixing;
Criminal sanctions to apply for deliberate, systematic overcharging;