In the last year, the public has become increasingly aware of the euro says the latest edition of Consumer Watch, the newsletter of the European Consumer Centre. Almost nine in 10 people know the euro's name, compared with 59 per cent in the previous year according to a survey conducted on behalf of the Euro Changeover Board of Ireland (ECBI). At least one in two people correctly valued the euro at between 78-80p. The designs of euro notes and coins are familiar to at least 48 per cent of those surveyed, while 46 per cent are familiar with the timing for the introduction of euro notes and coins on January 1st, 2002.
Consumers who would like to learn more are encouraged to pick up a copy of The euro and you: a consumers's guide, available from citizens' information centres, money advice and budgeting centres, public libraries or directly from the European Consumer Centre. The centre may be contacted at (01) 809 0600, fax: (01) 809 0601, email: