Pensions Board targets immigrant workers

Minister for Social Affairs Séamus Brennan yesterday announced a number of initiatives aimed at improving access to pension information…

Minister for Social Affairs Séamus Brennan yesterday announced a number of initiatives aimed at improving access to pension information for employees, including those from abroad.

With a particular focus on the Republic's growing immigrant population, the Pensions Board announced the introduction of a pensions checklist published in what have become the country's six most commonly used foreign languages: French, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese.

"We do have a responsibility to the immigrants from the 10 new member states," said Mr Brennan, referring to the 200,000 people who have come to Ireland to work from the 10 countries that joined the European Union in 2004.

"People who come to seek employment are extremely welcome, but we have a responsibility to tell them what their rights and entitlements are. Doing it in their own language is a matter of courtesy."


As part of National Pensions Action Week, the Pensions Board also announced the publication of an equality booklet giving guidance on equal pension treatment, discrimination and victimisation in relation to occupational pension schemes, and the creation of a joint venture with the National Recruitment Federation.

Under the terms of the venture, the federation, which last year placed 85,000 people in jobs, will provide pension information to everyone that uses its services.

Mr Brennan also said he was particularly concerned with the small number of employees that had signed up for Personal Retirement Saving Accounts (PRSAs) and said he hoped this initiative could boost the take up.