Me & My Money: ‘I’m definitely more considered and less impulsive’

Lynda Barnes, MD of 360 Search

Lynda Barnes, MD of 360 Search. “Now that I have a family, I think about longer-term security, schools and having a bolthole abroad.” Photograph: Iain White/Fennells

Are you a saver or a spender? 

Spender first, saver second. I spent the first 30 years spending and the last decade saving. I started a pension about 10 years ago or so, and more recently a not–for–profit that educates women to think about their later years. I am much more conscious of the lifestyle I want and the independence I would like at that age.

Do you shop around for better value?

It all depends on the purchase and the value, but overall I enjoy a bargain. For larger household items or travel, I’m fortunate to have a husband who loves doing research online. I use the internet to research what I should be paying for items and use this as a guide.


What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost?

I had two wedding dresses, one by Jenny Packham and another I had made for the second day of our wedding. The second cost thousands and took months to make. Not unusual for brides, I hear! On the day, the sun came out and I ended up in a t-shirt and shorts, so perhaps it was extravagant in the sense that it hasn’t actually been worn. I haven’t told my husband exactly how much it cost, and I don’t think I ever will!

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money?

My iPhone Airpods. I am a mom on the move and usually have a buggy, gym bag and Clarence the dog in tow, so I’m a big fan of effortless technology.

How do you prefer to shop – online or local?

I am definitely conscious of supporting local shops, butchers and restaurants in my community in Portobello as much as possible. In terms of clothing and fashion, I tend to purchase my staples online. For statement or more unique pieces, Cos is my shop of choice, especially for work wear.

Do you haggle over prices? 

Not in general, but I would always leave an honest review of a restaurant or hotel experience. As a business owner myself, I’m very much aware of how feedback is a gift to any business.

Has the recession changed your spending habits?

I am definitely more considered and less impulsive. I missed a flight to Nice with my sister years ago and suggested flying to New York for the weekend. Those days are definitely over.

Do you invest in shares?

No, not really, as I think it is too time-consuming to keep on top of it. But I'm not bad at the investment game. I convinced entrepreneur James Caan to come on board as an investor in 360 Search a few months ago.

Cash or card?

Card always for the convenience and I track my spending through my bank’s mobile app.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money?

A winter coat and scarf from Marks & Spencer. For me, it represents good value as I hope it will get me through the winter months. I walk everywhere so a snug winter coat is a must.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase? 

My honeymoon to the Maldives. We flew first class with Emirates and it was a wonderful indulgence.

Have you ever lost money?

Not that I can think of.

Are you a gambler and, if so, have you ever had a big win? 

The odd tiny flutter on the Grand National, but no, I have never had a big win. I judge a horse by its name.

Is money important to you?

It is in terms of how it can give my family and me quality of life and security. I’ve worked hard at building my career and that drive to succeed is definitely fuelled by the desire to enjoy life. Now that I have a family, I think about longer-term security, schools and having a bolthole abroad.

How much money do you have on you now?

Loose change from lunch in House on Leeson Street.

in conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea