One More Thing: The good times are back – just don’t get left with the bill at the Marker

Maybe those who have been talking up the domestic economy are right after all – some of the froth from the Celtic Tiger has carried on the wind back to present day Dublin. Here’s an example.

A few of us were looking to organise a venue for a small group for drinks on the evening of Friday, December 20th. Relatively late notice, yes, and it is admittedly one of the busiest nights of the festive season.

Even so, all we wanted was a few seats for up to a dozen people for drinks only, relatively early in the evening. Most places were not taking bookings, but the Rooftop bar in the swanky new Marker hotel in the Docklands offered to set us aside a corner of the bar.

So far, so great. Until the Marker informed us that its standard policy for groups over nine people is to ask for a minimum spend of €50 per head, payable in advance. We were only after drinks – that’s the price of about 10 pints (or seven pints if you’re in the Oliver St John Gogarty’s in Temple Bar). Half of us would be in danger of falling from the rooftop if we drank that much.


The upfront payment is, it should be added, also redeemable against bar food. Not that we were looking for any. The Marker, which says the policy is because of restrained space, also adds a “discretionary” service charge of 10 per cent, which is automatically added to your drinks bill.

So that’s €55 upfront, unless you want to be a Christmas meanie and opt out of the tip on your pints. Strewth.