DERRY:A NEW £2 million research facility aimed at offering specialist workspace and services for researchers has opened on the grounds on Altnagelvin Hopsital in Derry. The new facility - the Clinical Translational Research and Innovation Centre (C-Tric) - is jointly operated by the University of Ulster, the Western Trust and Derry City Council.
Licensed to handle, process and store clinical materials and data, its aim is to combine the academic excellence from the University campus and practical medical talent at the hospital in a single dedicated building, where start-ups can prosper. Already six start-up firms and a University of Ulster health project are set to move into the newly-built 9,000 sq ft facility.
Officially opening the centre, Invest NI's chief executive, Alastair Hamilton, said: "C-Tric will further facilitate the commercialisation of knowledge by strengthening links between clinicians, academia and industry."
Prof Richard Barnett, vice-chancellor, University of Ulster, said: "It's a classic demonstration of how academia, clinicians and business can work together to make a difference to the community whom we serve and a global community that desperately needs healthcare advances in so many fields."