Technology stocks rally sentiment

Wall Street stocks rallied as last week's profit jitters were quickly put to rest by strong reports from IBM, Microsoft, Citicorp…

Wall Street stocks rallied as last week's profit jitters were quickly put to rest by strong reports from IBM, Microsoft, Citicorp and Chase Manhattan.

The Dow Jones industrial average rose 139.00 points to close at 8,060.44. Combined with Monday's 74-point gain, that was more than enough to wipe out last week's 200-point decline.

Broader indicators also repaired all or most of the remaining damage from last week's sell-off, with the technology-heavy Nasdaq market posting the biggest gains.

Advancing issues outnumbered decliners by more than two-to-one on the New York Stock Exchange, with 1,947 up, 920 down and 546 unchanged.


The Standard and Poor's 500stock list rose 16.67 to 972.28, and the NYSE composite index rose 7.93 to 510.19. The Nasdaq composite index rose 27.09 to 1,712.54, and the American Stock

Exchange composite index rose 5.78 to 712.36. The Russell 2000 index of smaller companies rose 5.08 to 458.93.