FOLLOWING ON from last Thursday's interest rate cut by the European Central Bank, there could be more good news coming down the…

FOLLOWING ON from last Thursday's interest rate cut by the European Central Bank, there could be more good news coming down the tracks for consumers this week. Inflation data for November due to be released on Thursday is expected to show a sharp deceleration in the annual consumer price index, as interest rate cuts and falling energy prices begin to feed through.


Meetings: South Dublin Chambers Women in Business network event (Angler's Rest, Strawberry Beds)

Indicators: UK Producer Price Index (November); German Industrial Production (October); Japanese Eco Watchers Survey (November) and GDP (Q3)


Others: ECB Jean-Claude Trichet's speech; Taoiseach Brian Cowen to attend launch of Heuston South Quarter and officially open Eircom's new corporate office


Results:AutoZone; Finisar

Meetings:IIA and ICAN present half-day online advertising event (PA, Lansdowne Road, D4); Cork Chamber Clinic "Understanding and Managing your Banking Relationship" (Imperial Hotel, Cork)

Indicators:US Pending Home Sales (October) and ABC/Washington Post Consumer Confidence (Dec 7th); UK DCLG House Price Index, Goods Trade Balance (October), Industrial Production (November), Total Trade Balance (November), BRC Retail Sales Monitor (November), NIESR GDP Estimate (November) and RICS House Price Balance (November); German ZEW Survey - Economic Sentiment (Dec) and Trade Balance (Oct); Japanese Core Machinery Orders (Oct) and Domestic Corporate Goods Price Index (Nov); Australian Westpac Consumer Confidence (Dec)


Meetings: Enterprise Ireland and IBEC conference, Ireland and the US: Key Trade and Investment Partners, Business Outlook 2009 (Farmleigh House, Phoenix Park); Women in Technology event (Institute of Technology, Sligo); IIEA media roundtable lunch - Russia and the Western Media with Séamus Martin, former international editor of The Irish Times

Indicators: Irish Census of Industrial Production (2006) and Information Society Statistics First Results (2008); US Wholesale Inventories (October), EIA Crude Oil Stocks change (December 5th), MBA Mortgage Applications (December 5th) and Monthly Budget Statement (November); Swiss ZEW Survey - Expectations (Dec); Australian Home Loans (Oct) and Investment Lending (Oct); New Zealand Food Price Index (Nov)

Others: Trading update from JJB Sports


Results:Costco; HMV; Krispy Kreme Doughnut; Mittel;

Meetings:SFA members' Christmas Evening

Indicators:ECB Monthly Report (Dec); Irish Consumer Price Index and Detailed Sub-Indices (Nov), Industrial Production and Turnover (Oct) and International Sourcing - Moving Irish Business Activity Abroad; US Trade Balance (Oct) and Import Price Index (Nov); UK Inflation Expectations and CBI Industrial Trends Survey - Orders (Dec); Swiss SNB Interest Rate Decision; Australian Consumer Inflation Expectation (Dec), Employment Change (Nov) and Unemployment Rate (Nov); Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Oct) and New Housing Price Index (Oct)


Meetings: HBOS egm

Indicators: EU Industrial Production (Oct) and Labour Costs (Q3); Irish Earnings and Hours Worked in Construction (Sept) and 2007 Census of Industrial Production Early Estimates; US Producer Price Index (Nov), Retail Sales (Nov), Business Inventories (Oct) and Reuters/Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index (Dec); Japanese Capacity Utilisation (Oct), Industrial Production (Oct) and Consumer Confidence (Nov); Canadian Capacity Utilization (Q3) and New Motor Vehicle Sales (Oct)