Timas settles with authority

The Competition Authority has agreed to end an investigation of an online travel reservations provider after the company agreed…

The Competition Authority has agreed to end an investigation of an online travel reservations provider after the company agreed to give third parties access to its technology.

The State's monopolies watchdog began investigating Timas Ltd in 2003, owner of travel reservations system Galileo Ireland, for breaches of competition law.

The authority was investigating claims that the company was abusing a dominant position in the market by refusing access to codes and other information to businesses that wanted to develop products based on its system. According to the authority, it was also alleged that Galileo Ireland's refusal was preventing the development of new technology for the travel industry.

However, in a statement yesterday, the Competition Authority said that it had agreed to end its investigation after Timas agreed to allow third parties reasonable access to this and other relevant information.


Most Irish travel agents use the Galileo computerised reservation system when booking flights and accommodation for their customers. Under the terms of the deal agreed with the authority, Timas has pledged to give organisations that want to develop systems to operate in conjunction with Galileo access to documents, test systems, codes used to identify destinations, and any other relevant resources.

The deal means that travel agents will be able to use any combination of software in order to make bookings through Galileo's reservations system. This could make searches for flights and destinations more efficient.

Paul Gorecki, head of the Competition Authority's monopolies division, said yesterday that the agreement would provide vital access to computerised reservation systems for anyone developing new technology for the travel industry.

"The focus of this specific complaint was to allow travel agents to search more effectively and efficiently for the best value for their customers," he said.

Barry O'Halloran

Barry O'Halloran

Barry O’Halloran covers energy, construction, insolvency, and gaming and betting, among other areas