US says farewell to unfriendly arms

The environmental lobby will no doubt be relieved to learn that the US army is getting the lead out...

The environmental lobby will no doubt be relieved to learn that the US army is getting the lead out. . .

although the notion of a "green" bullet may be a step too far for many.

The Margin was intrigued to read this week that the US army is to manufacture and use tungsten-based bullets, rather than traditional lead slugs which are environmentally unfriendly.

According to the International Tungsten Industry Association, around one million "green" bullets will be produced this year, rising to five to 10 million in 2000, and up to 200 million in the years that follow.


"The bullets, which are used primarily for shooting practice during peace time, are as deadly to humans as their predecessors but less deadly to the Earth," it said, quoting an article published by the Water Environment Federation.

Lead bullets tend to cause a build-up in the environment, often ending up in sediments, surface water and groundwater. This accumulated lead can harm wildlife, as well as people if they get their water from a contaminated source.

A dangerous business indeed!