How to trade
If you have a portfolio entered in Sharetrack 100, you can check its value and position, remind yourself of which shares you have selected, or change any of the information you left when entering, by calling the numbers below at any time.
Weekly Transactions
Commencing tomorrow - Saturday, April 24th - you will be allowed one transaction per week. For the purposes of this competition, a transaction is defined as one of the following: (a) one sale only; (b) one purchase only; (c) one sale and one purchase.
If you wish to make a transaction, you should have your portfolio number and PIN number ready, the codes of the companies whose shares you want to buy and sell and the amount you want to transact. Then ring the transaction/update number:
1550-715-195 (Republic of Ireland) 0906-702-1002 (Northern Ireland and Britain)
Calls cost 58p per minute from the Republic and 50p per minute from Northern Ireland and Britain - all charges include VAT.
The line will be open from midday on Saturdays until Sundays at midnight.
The share prices used for transactions will be updated once a week and will be taken as at 5.30 p.m. Irish time each Friday for all Sharetrack 100 companies. They will be published in the Business and Finance pages of The Irish Times each Saturday, commencing tomorrow.
During the competition, there is no restriction on the minimum level of investment in shares, the level of investment in a single company or on the number or geographical spread of companies in the portfolio.
Only one transaction is allowed per portfolio per week. It is important to note that you are NOT OBLIGED to make a transaction each week.
Competition Helpline 01-2844060 between 10 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. (Monday to Saturday) and between 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. on a Sunday. Normal telephone charges apply to this number. This service is provided by Phonovation Ltd.