Man arrested after seizure of more than €150,000 worth of drugs in Cork

Cannabis, ecstasy and magic mushrooms found at house in Gerald Griffin St in Cork city

Drugs worth €150,000 seized after search of a house in Cork. Photograph: Alan Betson

A man in his 30s has been arrested in Cork following the seizure of more than €150,000 of combined drugs during searches at two different locations in the city on Bank Holiday Monday.

Gardaí carried out a search of a premises at Gerald Griffin St near Blackpool where they found €128,000 of cannabis herb.

They also found quantities of cannabis resin, ecstasy and magic mushrooms and arrested a man, who is originally from West Cork, and took him to the Bridewell Garda station for questioning.

The man is being held under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act, 1996 which allows gardaí to hold suspects for up to seven days before they have to be charged or released.


Officers carried out a follow-up search on a premises on Gould Street near Greenmount where they found more cannabis valued at approximately €30,000 bringing the total haul to over €150,000.

Gardaí say all the drugs, which local sources believe were destined for the local Cork market, will be sent to Forensic Science Ireland laboratory in Dublin for analysis.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times