This is a second outing for Catrin Dafydd’s Welsh Valleys girl Sam, now a single mum. The action kicks off with a sex-toy party in her tiny lounge, with her mum yelling: “My man Terry tells me I go like a steam roller when I’m on Red Bull!” Sex is also on the mind of Sam’s ancient Aunt Peg, who has eloped with a young lad from the old people’s home. Or has she? And Sam’s ex, who’s allowed in for a last hurrah. Oh dear. Meanwhile her boss, trying to turn their greasy spoon into something posh, loses all customers, and Sam’s precious job. There’s Harry who loved Peg long ago, and there’s Gareth, Sam’s brother, with postwar post-traumatic stress disorder. There’s the sexy assistant headmaster and, tripping light as a sugar-plum fairy between them all, Sam’s daughter Gwen. Charming, and surprisingly wise.