This book, edited by two lecturers in history at the University of Limerick, brings together more than 30 statements, memoirs, letters and diary entries by witnesses to, or participants - on both sides – in the Easter Rising. The letters and diaries give the background to the Rising, especially the chaos that was unfolding in Dublin and around the country. The rumour machine was in full swing: both the pope and the Archbishop of Dublin had committed suicide after learning of the Rising; German troops had landed and were marching on Dublin etc. My favourite entry is by Louisa Hamilton Norway, wife of the manager of the GPO who was staying in a Dawson Street hotel during Easter Week. Apart from giving her views on the “Sinn Féiners”, Louisa was “furious” that pubs were allowed to open from 2pm to 5pm on the Thursday but her hard-working husband was denied an “out of hours” whiskey and soda at 8pm with his dinner.