YOU only have to look at the credit lists to see that women are scarce on the ground in certain areas of film production. A recent IBEC report shows that gender imbalances are still endemic within parts of the film and television production industry.
Women in Film and Television is an international organisation, with chapters in the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and Spain. Kate Wallbrook, administrator of WFTV UK, will be the keynote speaker at a meeting in the IFC at 6.30 p.m. on January 25th, which will be defining terms of membership more clearly for the newly established Irish chapter. Membership is open to women working in radio as well as film and television, and the chapter will be addressing issues such as training, networking and research, as well as publishing a quarterly newsletter and creating a database and Web page on the Internet.
For further information contact Anne Burke at (01) 7067035 or 2837910.