FRANZ FERDINAND You Could Have It so Much Better Domino  ****

FRANZ FERDINAND You Could Have It so Much Better Domino ****

There's a downside to being the height of fashion and the epitome of rock-as-art. Inevitably, you're going to go so out of vogue, future generations will laugh about it on those I Remember 2005-type shows. The "t" in art will be changed to an "se", and the fabulous set will swish onto the next salon, leaving empty wine glasses and half-smoked Gitanes in their wake.

Franz Ferdinand are teetering on that knife-edge between the essential and the obsolete, and their second long-player displays all the dash of a band who know that they need to hold the public's attention if they're going to survive into the next season. Since Franz's debut, we've had all sorts of angular, arty bands chance their armbands for a grab at the crown, but Alex Kapranos and his lads still have the stylistic edge on their rivals, and their ear for an insistent pop anthem is sharp as ever on The Fallen, Do You Want To, I'm Your Villain and You're the Reason I'm Leaving.

They still exude panache and self-confidence, although they tend to overplay the detachment and air of exclusivity, and Kapranos can't muster anything more intimate than a vocal air-kiss. But with an average of three massive pop hooks per song, I guess they can afford to be aloof. So yes, it's the Emperor's New Clothes for sure, but gosh, don't they look just fabulous in them?

Kevin Courtney

Kevin Courtney

Kevin Courtney is an Irish Times journalist