Celine Byrne (soprano), RTÉ NSO/Marco Zambelli

NCH, Dublin Tonight 8pm €15-€40 01-4170000

NCH, Dublin Tonight 8pm €15-€40 01-4170000


NCH, Kevin Barry Room, Dublin Mon 8.30pm €10 01-4170000



NCH, Kevin Barry Room, Dublin Tues 8.30pm €10 01-4170000

Soprano Celine Byrne follows up her RTÉ Lyric FM CD (For Eternity) with a Christmas Gala Concert tonight. She is joined by the RTÉ NSO and the programme will include arias from the CD as well as seasonal favourites.

Two concerts stand out a little from the Christmas programmes that dominate concert life at this time of year. On Monday, the Dublin String Quartet offers a programme of works by members of the Irish Composers Collective. And on Tuesday, clarinettist Paul Roe is joined by storyteller Nuala Hayes for an Irish-language performance of Tom Johnston's witty Bedtime Stories, and three pieces by Derry composer Christopher Norby. Norby's Stain Boy, Voodoo Girl and The Girl Who Turned into a Bedset texts by film director Tim Burton from his book, The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy Other Stories.

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor