
The latest CD release reviewed

The latest CD release reviewed

Better Days BBE ****

Looks and sounds can sometimes deceive. At first, Better Days strikes you as another album of dusty rare 1970s disco grooves recently discovered in the depths of some warehouse, right down to the colour tones and photo style on the cover. Yet the story behind The Million Dollar Orchestra involves a Scottish producer called Al Kent and his obsessive quest to make an authentic disco album. Kent spent two years putting his band together (the 18 musicians have even played a few live shows in Glasgow) and getting these tracks just so. Better Days sounds magnificent, all soaring, sweeping strings, chunky hooks, enchanting basslines and old-fashioned dance music. While Kent's attention to detail could well have turned this project into a feat of retro navel-gazing, the constant emphasis on the groove makes Better Days an album to savour. www.milliondollardisco.com

Download tracks: Dontcha Wanna Get Down, Canal Street Bus Stop