Frat boy slim



The Academy, Dublin Thurs 8pm €34 01-8779999

It’s a long time since there was anything remotely resembling a buzz about a white rapper (some guy called Eminem – wonder what happened to him?), but Asher Roth looks set to ruffle a few feathers before he surely goes the way of most other white rappers and disappears.

Roth’s inaugural calling card is the hip-hop slacker tune, I Love College, a decent commercial rap banger that waves its collective arms in the air like it just don’t care. Beyond that it’s possibly a case of too much, too soon, too familiar – Roth’s debut album, Asleep in the Bread Aisle, doesn’t just nod in the general direction of touchstone Eminem, it pretty much shakes its head off.


And yet . . . I Love College

is a smart, juvenile-stoner wheeze of a song. Providing Roth gets over his most obvious influences, he might just get close to going the distance.

Can’T See ThaT?

CaTch This

Wilco Thursday, Dublin

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture