Fantasy clichés abound in Dragon's Crown, from fairies and orcs to muscle-bound barbarians and comically voluptuous women. The main mission involves the search for a crown that allegedly controls dragons. It's a mix of side-scrolling hack- 'n-slash and role-playing, as you can indulge in side quests, explore a little and customise your character. The combat is enjoyable: each fighter has its own specialty, be it axes, swords, magic or archery, but when extra characters and players join in, the screen can get a little too crowded. To be fair, it's a good-looking retro game and the story serves its purpose: to catapult its heroes into a series of strange skirmishes. Dragon's Crown might be a bit dated in its storytelling and structure, but with accessible gameplay and some eccentric details (not least the resurrecting cherubs), it still casts a spell.
Dragon’s Crown