How to get there

How to finance a stay at any of these places will depend on their set-up

How to finance a stay at any of these places will depend on their set-up. Las Cabanes charges £80 a week, with another £5 a day if you want your meals provided. El Refugi Irlandes, comprising three bedrooms, costs from £200 per week and is self-catering. Annaghmakerrig asks people to make a contribution towards the cost of their stay. Henrich Boll's cottage is available rent-free and a small bursary may be available. Centres like Katoomba and Yaddo invite applications for residential bursaries.

Applications are considered at certain times during the year and should be made well in advance. Once your application has been accepted, it may be possible to get a travel grant from the Arts Council which recently published its booklet, Awards and Opportunities, 2000.

There is also the idyllic Swedish island of Visby, where you'll find the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators. Just south of Paris, on the Seine, is the Camac centre d'Art, run by Marion Gentilhomme, who used to work at Annaghmakerrig; And further south again is Mishkenot Sha'ananim (Peaceful Dwellings), all of whose rooms look out on to the old city of Jerusalem.

Temple Bar Properties: 01 6772255.


Irish Writers' Centre: 01 8721302. Http://

Arts Council: 01 6180200. 70 Merrion Sq. D2

IMMA: 01 6129900.

Henrich Boll Cottage: Abha Teangai, Dooagh, Achill.

El Refugi Irlandes: Farrera, Pallars Sobira, Lleida 15595, Catalunya, Spain.

Annaghmakerrig: 047 54003

Katoomba, Australia: Tel: +61 4782.5674. Fax:+61 4782.6220

Las Cabanes: 47110 Le Temple sur Lot, France and

Visby: Box 1096, 621 21, Visby, Sweden. Tel: +46 498 21 87 98

Camac: 1, Grande Rue, 10400 Marnay-surSeine, France and

Mishkenot Sha'ananim: Box 8215, Jerusalem 91081.Tel: +972 2 254321

Further information can be had at: