Key Questions

There are a number of key questions arising out of the Ombudsman's report:

There are a number of key questions arising out of the Ombudsman's report:

1 The Ombudsman's Office said key suspects have not been investigated. Why not?

2 The Ombudsman's Office said the RUC did not request the Garda S∅ochβna to carry out an investigation into key suspects. Why not?

3 The Ombudsman's report said RUC Special Branch did not share crucial evidence with the Omagh investigation team. Why not?


4 The Ombudsman said key recommendations arising from an RUC review of the Omagh bombing investigation were not implemented. Why not?

5 Why did the RUC not judge some of the individuals identified as A,B,C,D,E and F to be suspects when there was evidence linking them to republican paramilitaries?

6 Why was intelligence arising from tip-offs given to the RUC on August 4th and 12th, 1998, not more broadly or comprehensively assessed?

7 Why was the Sub-Divisional Commander in Omagh not told of these intelligence reports?

8 Why was 78 per cent of 360 intelligence documents within RUC Special Branch, discovered by the Ombudsman's investigating team, not passed on to the Omagh bomb investigation team?

9 Why can records for meetings with the agent 'Kevin Fulton' on July 23rd and August 12th not be found within Special Branch? These are regarded as highly significant documents which the Police Ombudsman is convinced were passed on to the Special Branch.

10 Why was RUC senior management "defensive and unco-operative", according to the Ombudsman's report, when approached by her investigation team?