Mozart: Overtures

La Cetra Barokorchester Basel/Andrea Marcon Deutsche Grammophon 477 9445 ****

La Cetra Barokorchester Basel/Andrea Marcon Deutsche Grammophon 477 9445****

How well do you know your Mozart? More specifically, how well do you know your Mozart overtures? Andrea Marcon and his Swiss players are set on your knowing them better, so they've included 16 in their debut recording. On a single disc, this survey takes you from Apollo and Hyacinthus, the work of an 11-year-old prodigy (which Opera Theatre Company staged for the Mozart anniversary celebrations of 2006), through to Die Zauberflöteand La clemenza di Tito,which were both premiered in Prague just months before the composer's death in 1791. Marcon's musical approach achieves both transparency and weight. Sample his handling of the Nozze di Figaroand Don Giovanni Overturesand you'll hear exactly what he's about. See

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor