I Love You DudeV2 **
Digitalism duo Jens Moelle and Ismail Tufekci always knew what they wanted to do with their sound. Their 2007 debut, Idealism(for Kitsune), was a hugely likable electro slam- dunk that showed the pair knew which buttons to press to please the crowd and didn't hesitate to do so when required. The problem with I Love You Dudeis that Moelle and Tufekci no longer seem so sure of what Digitalism should be about, so the sounds are all over the shop. The notion of monster rave-ups ( Reeperbahn) sharing a pew with indie-dance grooves ( 2 Hearts, the Julian Casablancas- assisted Forrest Gump) is great in theory, but the execution is a little awry. Digitalism may well not want to limit themselves, but the problem with constantly and randomly chopping and changing tack is that you begin to sound a mite confused. See myspace.com/digitalism
Download track: 2 Hearts