Human League

Credo Wall of Sound ***

CredoWall of Sound ***

How far can a pioneering band such as The Human League stretch to accommodate modernity without alienating a loyal fan base? It's been 30 years exactly since Phil Oakey and co released the era-defining Dare, and while their first album since 2001 may not embody the same startling innovation, it's a solid collection that upholds the trio's reputation as architects of slick pop songs. Credo doesn't boast many new-fangled studio tricks - apart from the use of AutoTune on Never Let Me Go - but the danceable Night People jitters and pulsates under Oakey's rich voice, while the playful, simplistic disco of Into the Night works a treat. Despite the mundanity of three or four dated-sounding fillers, The Human League can still hold their own amid pop's young guns. See

Download tracks:Night People, Into the Night

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times