Nick Carswell & The Elective Orchestra

The Word According To Silly Goose Records ***

The Word According To Silly Goose Records***

You may have heard of Nick Carswell from his input into west of Ireland band Brad Pitt Light Orchestra. Smarty-pants name equals smarty-pants band, but BPLO's saving grace is that they put their money where their mouths are. Carswell and his Elective Orchestra are a different proposition, yet one that also knows how to put points across in ways that make you pay attention. Musically, The Wordis more acoustic/folk-based, and lyrically it's far less cerebral than BPLO's often ridiculously dazzling range of imagery – songs here focus on sincere, heartfelt musings on love, loneliness and longing, with the likes of Folks Like Us, Running on Empty, Oceanviewand When You Break Downcutting to the emotional chase. Clever? Yes, that too, but this time out Carswell speaks from the heart. It suits him. See

Download tracks: Folks Like Us, Running on Empty