Sweet Jane

Sugar for My Soul , Reekus Records

Sugar for My Soul, Reekus Records

Dublin band Sweet Jane (there’s an oh-so-obvious clue in the name, needless to say) sound as if they’ve been reared on a diet of Velvet Underground, My Bloody Valentine, The Stooges and all the other usual suspects that are mentioned when a band’s music clearly references the slo-mo, WTF nature of drugged-up psych-rock. Such matters quickly disappear, though, when you realise that Sweet Jane have at their disposal more smarts than most; yes, they sound like they sound because we’re familiar with the influences, but the songs on

Sugar for My Soul

, their debut album, are just terrific. The killer clinchers are the interplay between guitarist Danda Paxton and singer


Lydia Des Dolles, who nail the louche Johnny Thunders/Patti Paladin vibe with panache and pizzazz.

See reekus.com

Download tracks: Close Your Eyes, Texas Tears, Don't Hold Your Head So Low

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture