Peter Delaney: Witch Bottle

Witch Bottle
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Artist: Peter Delaney
Genre: Singer / Songwriter
Label: Out on a Limb

Trad, folk and vintage Hawaiian recordings may not be the most obvious of musical bedfellows, but all three genres are evident in Peter Delaney’s distinctive style. The ukulele-toting Limerickman’s second studio album initially takes time to settle, but there’s much to enjoy once his quirky approach has been established. Delaney’s tenuous rasp of a voice commands songs such as

My Rat Brain

beautifully and discloses a lovely tenderness on

The Becalming


. Musically, however, the lack of variation can prove frustrating, despite his demonstrated ability to pluck, strum and tickle his miniature weapon of choice. So the addition of cello on

A Maudlin Luna’Ula

is welcome, as is the foot-stomping and wheeze of accordion on the epic

The Guest

. Delaney’s spartan style may prove polarising, but his sincerity can’t be faulted.


The Guest, A Maudlin Luna’Ula

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times