The third album from the young British songstress is proudly influenced by the Stax soul of the 1960s. The songs are replete with stomping northern soul beats and strident brass, with Lott's voice as bold and brassy as she's ever sounded. If she hasn't quite stamped her personality on the current pop canvas, this collection of confident tunes might just do it. The opening track, Nasty, feels a little uncomfortable in the light of Miley Cyrus's overtly sexual approach. But with its big, saxy beats it sounds more like Beyoncé's Crazy in Love as sung by Lulu. Happily, Lay Me Down, Champion, Heart Cry and Ocean all avoid sounding too retro. The album is a smart mix of old soul and nu pop, and if it doesn't quite reach Katy Perry levels of pop alchemy, there's enough Pixie dust to create some magic of its own. Download: Nasty, Break-up Song, Heart Cry, Out With a Bang