If Stephen Gardner were a pundit, he'd be a Vincent Browne or an Eoghan Harris –direct, provocative, in your face, not afraid of big statements on big subjects.
Never . . . Never . . . Never . . .
(2003) draws together an Ian Paisley speech, Francis Bacon's
Three Screaming Popes,
The Sash
in a claustrophobic soundworld that also features a noise-fest of drumming.
(2009) written after the loss of a niece, is a slowly morphing wall of sound that grinds up to a painful tension before turning to calm. And
(2008) is Gardner's rawly venting, throw- in-the-kitchen-sink response to the 2002 invasion of Iraq. Not a disc to sample late at night.
See url.ie/g6qw
Stephen Gardner: Hallalujah; Never . . . Never . . . Never . . ; Lament: RTÉ NSO/Gerhard Markson, Gavin Maloney