Why does Kanye keep annoying people? We don’t know exactly, but his snarky remarks at the Grammys over Beck are just the latest in a series of Kanye sticking his oar in. Let’s chart his history of annoyance.
2005: “George Bush doesn’t care about black people”
Probably West’s finest political moment, calling out the then US president live on NBC for failing to act properly in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Bush was raging. Kanye was right though.

2006: The birth of Yeezus
Kanye's first large-scale Jesus comparison happened when he appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone wearing a crown of thorns.
2007: VMAs
West insinuated that he wasn’t chosen to open the MTV Video Music Awards because of his race. That honour went to fellow rap genius, um, Britney Spears.
2009: Imma let you finish
When West screamed his infamous “Imma let you finish” line while barging towards the mic as Taylor Swift collected a VMA, everyone knew he had gone over the top, not least Beyoncé, who is well able to fight her own battles.
2013: The Zane Lowe interview
This was actually an amazing interview, but his over-the-top rants about leather jogging pants prompted several side-eyes, not least from fashion-forward The Ticket staff, who have been wearing them for years.
2013: Bound 2
The ridiculous video for West’s Yeezus tune didn’t so much wind up people as make them guffaw, prompting the inevitable parodies, including a great one from James Franco and Seth Rogan.
2014: Down Under
If you’re screaming at fans to stand up during one of your gigs in Australia, probably best to check that they’re not in the wheelchair area of the arena first.
2015: Beckgate
And we’re back to an awards ceremony, West’s favourite battle ground. Initially West walking on stage when Beck won looked like a gag, but West subsequently said Beyoncé should have got the award. Let it go, dude.