Nashville is usually the city that begets one folk/country/roots/ singer-songwriter act after another, virtually ad infinitum. Anything connected with the kind of pristine pop/rock as delivered by The Silver Seas is often (and erroneously) viewed as a musical aberration. Nashville's loss is our gain, however – Silver Seas remain the kind of low-profile band that give low-profile bands a good name. It is all about, clearly, songcraft, and with tunes as gristle-free and luxuriant as Roxy, A Night on the Town, Sea of Regret, As the Crow Flies and the title track, you've got craft coming out of your pores. Comparison points are, of course, inevitable, but any band that chooses to be influenced by Fleetwood Mac, Steely Dan and Rufus Wainwright (to name but three inherently melodic, happy-sad touchstones) is fine by me.
Download: Alaska, A Night on the Town, Roxy
The Silver Seas: Alaska