Oscar boom antidote to economic gloom

Michael Dwyer on film

Michael Dwyeron film

January during a recession is a forbidding prospect, but the good news is that our cinemas will be awash with quality movies as Oscar season goes full throttle.

The month is bookended by literary adaptations starring Kate Winslet and produced by Scott Rudin: The Reader(on January 2nd), which co-stars Ralph Fiennes, and Revolutionary Road(30th), with Leonardo DiCaprio.

Danny Boyle's exhilarating Slumdog Millionaireopens on January 9th, followed a week later by Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler, featuring Mickey Rourke in his comeback performance.


Keep your diary free for the weekend of January 23rd, when new releases include Jonathan Demme's bittersweet serious comedy Rachel Getting Married, starring Anna Hathaway and Debra Winger; Ron Howard's Frost/Nixon, with Michael Sheen as David Frost and Frank Langella as Richard Nixon; and Gus Van Sant's Milk, starring Sean Penn as murdered gay San Franscisco city official Harvey Milk.

More Oscar contenders follow in February, led by David Fincher's The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, starring Brad Pitt, and Woody Allen's Vicky Cristina Barcelona, on the 6th; Gran Torino, directed by and starring Clint Eastwood on the 20th; and John Patrick Shanley's Doubt, starring Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Laurent Cantet's Palme d'Or winner The Class, both on the 27th.